Monday, May 11, 2009

Iranian court decided to release an American journalist.

KommentariiMezhdu Barak and Mahmudom20.04.2009Zhurnalistka Roxana Saber gave the United States and Iran, a new reason to find out otnosheniyaSyuzhety Antispyware case Iranian journalist Roxana Saberi11.05.2009Osuzhdennaya ceased golodovkuAdvokat American journalist Roxana Saber on May 11 said that an Iranian court decided to release her, reported Agence France-Presse.
According to Saleh Nikbahta, the court reduced her sentence to two years suspended, resulting in the next hour it will be free.
In April, Saber, whose mother - Japanese and father - a person, sentenced to eight years in prison for spying for the United States.
After that, the journalist filed an appeal and announced a dry hunger strike to protest against the unjust, in her view, the sentence.
However, from the hunger strike, she was forced to cancel after a day due to a sharp deterioration in health.
Recall that Saber was arrested in Iran on 31 January for the purchase of wine. As you know, upotrelyat alcohol in the Islamic republic is strictly prohibited.
In the past six years, a journalist living in Iran. She worked at the BBC, Fox News and the American public radio. The investigation claimed that it continued to operate illegally, as well as its accreditation period ended back in 2006.

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