Friday, May 8, 2009

Smart Money magazine suspended.

   Chief editor of Smart Money, Alexander Malyutin said ", which suspended publication.
Agency "Interfax" the suspension of issuance of Smart Money said a member of the Board of Directors of the publishing house Independent Media Michael Dubik. According Dubik, now a publishing house is considering the idea of launching a new monthly devoted to private investment. Perhaps, this monthly will be called Smart Money.
At the same time, "Ð"азета.Ru" with reference to the anonymous-informed source says that the Smart Money is closed. The latest issue of the magazine will be released on May 18. Editorial team of the officially declared on May 11.
According to the source "Gazety.Ru, cause the closure of Smart Money - reducing the amount of advertising, resulting in a significant reduction in income. In recent issues of the journal have been employed for six advertising sites, whereas in the past, the usual measure of the 15 seats were considered.
In January 2009, experts from think-tank "Video International" warned that by March the press on advertising revenue may be reduced by about a third.
Business Smart Money magazine published since March 2006. He went out every Monday, circulation 50 thousand copies. In February 2007, SmartMoney left his first editor-in-chief, Leonid Bershidsky, converted to the post of managing director of investment bank KIT Finance. "

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