Thursday, May 14, 2009

"The new newspaper interview since Medvedev became more quote.

" Kommersant "has retained the leadership in the April ranking of the most quoted Russian newspapers, compiled by Medialogiya. This was reported in the press release, the company received the "Lentu.Ru.
Quartet leaders as compared to March has not changed - in addition to "Kommersant" to include "Vedomosti", "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" and "News." At the fifth spot on the citation in April was "Novaya Gazeta, published an interview in April, the President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev. A month before the publication took place only 9.
A television is also the leader remained the same - "News." However, in the first three changes: in comparison with March seats changed NTV (now ranks second) and the first channel (third place).
In addition, according to a study "Medialogii", Forbes, and "expert" to be the most cited journals. "Finance" as compared to March rose immediately to the four positions and took third place in the ranking.

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