Sunday, May 31, 2009

Chavez may not be able to hold four teleradiomarafon.

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez suspended the four-day television and radio shows devoted to the tenth anniversary of its program "Hello President", said the night of Sunday, AFP, referring to sources in the Bush administration.

Was planned that within four days - from 28 to 31 May - Chavez will hold a day on the air for several hours. On Thursday and Friday editions of Chavez "Hello, President!" lasted about six hours.

On Saturday, May 30, Chavez was to hold a live debate with the famous Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa, but the president of Venezuela has decided to change their plans. "The debate - this is for intellectuals, but I'm just the president and the soldiers," - said Chavez. The writer, who arrived in Caracas to attend the conference in support of democracy, in turn, said that the debate without the Chavez he was not interested.

The final issue commemorative program "Hello President", a source told AFP in the Chavez administration, is scheduled to be held on Sunday, May 31, from the Guariko.

The program of Hugo Chavez "Hello, President!" usually goes on the air every week on Sundays. The channel Chavez not only speaks about foreign and domestic policy and give advice in various areas, but often, students are encouraged by the performance of folk and revolutionary songs.

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