Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Russian radio stations to resume payments to the musicians.

Russian radio station to resume payments to the musicians and recording studios for the broadcast of songs on the radio, wrote on Tuesday the newspaper "Vedomosti". The corresponding protocol signed by the Russian Academy of Radio (PAP) and non-commercial partnership for the management of property related rights "Equal phonographic Alliance (RFA).
How quickly an agreement, which is a recommendation to enter into force, did not specify. However, aware that the remuneration for the use of compositions of different actors should not exceed 1.4 percent of radio advertising revenue. The amount paid to each individual artist and on his label will depend on how many times his song sounded in the air.
Previously, the amount of royalties of 3 percent of advertising revenue the station. Nevertheless, due to changes in the Civil Code of the Russian radio stations have ceased to pay remuneration for the use of objects of related rights (in this case - Phonogram) on 1 January 2008. In July 2009, Rosohrankultury would select an organization that receives state accreditation, giving the right to collect payments for the use of objects of related rights. The organization will pay to artists and their representatives.
According to the edition, currently in Russia collecting payments on the related right to engage in several dozen different organizations. In turn, ARF manages the country's largest catalog of 388 thousand songs. Now, each consisting of PAP stations to sign a contract for the payment of compensation for the rotation of tracks in the air. According to information posted on the site of XRF, such documents have been signed in Moscow FM-Radio "95.2 FM" and "My Family" (94.8 FM).

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