Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Iranian security services have identified accomplice Roxana Saber.

Plot "Spyware" case Roxana Saberi15.05.2009Amerikanskaya journalist left IranKommentariiSamy humane sud12.05.2009V Iran released American journalist Roxana Saber
The Iranian security services have identified accomplice American journalist Roxana Saber previously convicted an Iranian court for eight years for spying for the United States. This telekakanal told Iranian Press TV on Tuesday, 19 May.
The representative of the Iranian Judiciary Alireza Djamchid (Alireza Jamshidi) told the press that the person who surrendered the Saber secret documents concerning the U.S. invasion of Iraq, it was found. Other details Djamchid not reported.
32-year-old American journalist of Iranian origin Roxana Saber (she has dual citizenship), May 15, left Iran.
In January 2009, Saber had been arrested in Iran for the purchase of wine. " In April 2009 she has been charged in the Western media without accreditation, and of spying for the United States. On 18 April a court in Tehran sentenced the journalist to eight years in prison.
Following the announcement of the sentence, U.S. President Barack Obama said about the absurdity of the charges and demanded that Iran release the journalist. In Defense of Saber also made many international human rights organizations.
Shortly thereafter, the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad urged Iranian court to fully comply with the procedural rights of the convicted to appeal the sentence. May 11, 2009 Iranian court reduced the sentence to two years suspended and ordered the release of Saber.

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