Saturday, May 23, 2009

"BBC" criticized for paying big premiums.

   British Broadcasting Corporation "BBC" found to have paid too great prizes to staff members. This May 22, writes the newspaper The Daily Telegraph.
Media has learned that for the 2008 fiscal year ending March 2009, "the BBC has paid 9777 of its employees bonuses totaling 17.5 million pounds (nearly 28 million U.S. dollars).
The names of the awardees are not called, but it is known that earlier in the number of recipients of prizes came representatives of the corporation. Thus, the executive director of BBC Worldwide, John Smith in the 2007 fiscal year, received a bonus of 88 thousand pounds (140 thousand dollars), a deputy director general of the corporation, Mark Biford - 44 thousand pounds sterling (70 thousand dollars).
Compared with 2006 and 2007 financial years the amount spent "BBC" on the prize, in 2008 decreased by approximately 2.5 million pounds sterling. However, critics believe that in a crisis state corporation still too generously directed the taxpayers' money. Particular dissatisfaction analysts is the fact that the "BBC", despite the payment of large bonuses, regularly expresses its serious financial situation and going in the near future to reduce staff by 90 journalists. Shadow Minister for Culture, Mass Media and Sport Jeremy Hunt said that "BBC" - a very opaque structure, so it is impossible to determine whether payment is justified bonuses. The representative of the Alliance of the taxpayers named Matthew Sinkleyr waste so much money for bonuses outrageous.
The "BBC" are responsible, that the decision on the payment of bonuses had been taken long before the economic downturn. Appointment of new awards, as stated in the corporation, frozen for two years.

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