Thursday, May 21, 2009

Chapter Roshydromet proposed the creation of TV weather.

   The head of the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring of Russian Federation (Rosgidromet) Alexander Bedritsky said that Russia should be a federal channel weather. This May 21, RIA Novosti reported.
According Bedritsky, "weather" channels already exist in many countries around the world. "We have a very large country, five different climatic zones, so that the channel would be for people" - said the head of Roshydromet.
Bedritsky said that about five years ago the idea of creating a TV weather has already put forward. However, when it became clear that the cost of the project - 40 million dollars, from the opening of the channel refused. Chapter Roshydromet believes that this decision is reviewed. He said that part of the cost would be paid back through broadcast advertising.

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