Monday, May 25, 2009

The New York Times has missed about Uotergeyte.

The journalists of The New York Times in 1972, recklessly squandered story, brought glory to their colleagues from The Washington Post. We are talking about Uotergeytskom scandal that led to the resignation of Richard Nixon. Two former employees The New York Times decided to talk about what happened 37 years later.
In June 1972, burglars group allegedly linked to the Nixon administration, entered the headquarters of Democratic presidential candidate George Makgoverna in capital hotel "Watergate." Burglars detained at the scene, but the Nixon scandal hit much later, after his victory at the elections-1972.
As it turns out, just two months after breaking a reporter for The New York Times, Robert Smith (Robert M. Smith) received from the Acting Director of the FBI Partrika Greya (L. Patrick Gray) "explosive information". In particular, Gray spoke of the guilt of former prosecutor general, John Mitchell (John Mitchell) and hinted at the role the White House.
Smith immediately went to the Washington bureau of the newspaper and reported on the data obtained editor Robert Phelps (Robert H. Phelps). Phelps, all carefully recorded, and Smith the next day went to teach in the School of Law Yelya and uotergeytskim business deal more than he could. More than three decades, Smith is not talking about the incident, but decided to break the silence to learn that Phelps told that he had received information from Greya in his memoirs.
In the period after the receipt of "indications" of Greya Washington bureau of The New York Times by the National Congress of Republicans, and then Phelps had to go on a business trip to Alaska. Why scandalous figures have never been published, he does not know. In his memoirs, former editor writes that asked colleagues, but they were unable to explain anything.
The main role in the coverage of the case played uotergeytskogo The Washington Post reporters Carl Bernstin (Carl Bernstein) and Bob Woodward (Bob Woodward), to receive information from government sources, whose identity was concealed for a long time, the pen name "deep throat". In 2005, it was found that "deep gulps was Felten Mark (Mark Felt), a former deputy Greya to the FBI. After that, Gray said that he envied Felten and contact with journalists from the desire to harm supervisor.

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