Friday, May 29, 2009

Journalist beaten Beketov refused to treat.

SyuzhetyPokushenie to Glavred "Himkinskoy truth" 09.02.2009Usilena Guard chief editor of Pravda Himkinskoy "staff the center, even money can not agree to keep the Michael Beketov, chief editor of" Himkinskoy truth, brutally beaten in November 2008. That was reported by radio station "Echo of Moscow" referring to the leader of the movement "In Defense of Himkinskogo Forest Eugene Chirikova.
The journalist shall be discharged from the center on Friday, May 29. According to supporters of the journalist, he has passed the minimum rate of recovery, but stopping it is currently very dangerous.
Chirikova reported that the rehabilitation of Michael Beketov agreed to deal with Victor Shklovsky - Academician RW, scientific director of the Center for Speech Pathology and neyroreabilitatsii. However, in the next two months, the center will not work, and, therefore, in this period to provide medical assistance to journalists will be there.
After the assassination Beketov time spent in a coma. Doctors amputated his fingers of the hand, leg, and also conducted an operation to remove fragments of bone marrow.
The criminal case brought under the attempted murder. " The journalist's colleagues believe that the attack is linked to his professional activities. In particular, the attempt Beketov struggled against the authorities' intention Himok cut a local forest.

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