Monday, May 18, 2009

The head of China Central Television resigned after a fire in the telecentre.

President of the Central Chinese Television (CCTV) Huayun Zhao (Zhao Huayong) has resigned, reports The China Daily.
According to official figures, the president of CCTV resigned from the post to reach retirement age, 60 years old. However, according to the media, the president has 61 years, and retire, he planned no earlier than October 2009. The China Daily binds early dismissal Huayuna fire, which destroyed the uncompleted building of the Hotel Mandarin in Beijing. It also had to be a new TV CCTV.
With PE in the 159-meter skyscraper, designed by architect Rem Koolhaas and Ole Sherenom, one fireman was killed, seven others injured. The investigation concluded that the fire occurred because of the fireworks, which launch in China on the last day of New Year celebrations.
Police arrested four members of CCTV and a further eight people who were hired for the firework. According to the investigation, the suspects are not asked for special permission to start the fireworks, and ignored warnings about the possibility of ignition. According to some sources, the TV, which is paid for by taxes, has spent 146 thousand dollars for the organization of firework.
The new president of CCTV has become a 54-year-old Li Jiao, before occupying the post of Public Relations of the Communist Party of China Central Committee.

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