Thursday, May 14, 2009

The list of Kazakhstan's media asked to include fences.

Internet community representatives in Kazakhstan have developed a bill to formally equating fences to the media. Thus, according to RIA Novosti, they decided to express their protest against the attempts of states to tighten control over Internet resources, equated them to the media (the bill in the first and second readings was passed the lower house of parliament).
As the president of the International Fund for the protection of freedom of speech "Adil Soz" Tamara Kaleeva, the bill "On the fences" will shortly be sent to Parliament. The document, she said "defines the legal framework for transferring and storing information on fences, coarse lines of State policy, law readers fences, and restrictions on the dissemination of information on the fences."
"The purpose of the bill - to show the absurdity of all the amendments that were adopted by Parliament", - explained the defender.
In accordance with amendments to the law on mass media, the MPs who took the lower house of parliament, the media are invited to equate all online resources (blogs, forums, online stores and other sites). Accordingly, they will be issued a criminal and administrative law governing the media. Internet users fear that the new rules are actually a powerful tool of censorship. If the bill is finally passed (it is already under consideration by the upper house of parliament), law enforcement agencies will have the right to block Internet resources, if you decide that their contents do not meet the requirements of the law.
Kazakhstan has repeatedly held protests against equating Internet resources for the media. May 13, in particular, users for one hour left Kazneta sites. "The initiators of the action want to show the future Kazneta when he turned in no fit, abandoned ruins," - explained the President of Foundation "Adil Soz" Tamara Kaleeva, IA REGNUM.

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