Saturday, May 16, 2009

Journalist sank aquarium fish from dandruff shampoo to live.

Danish telezhurnalistke faces a fine for cruelty to animals, reported AFP on Friday, May 15.
Lisbeth Klester (Lisbeth Kloester), a leading program for consumers on the channel DV1, during a transfer, wishing to demonstrate the toxicity of shampoo against dandruff, vylila liquid in the aquarium with 12 fish guppi, and the fish died.
The transfer looked a veterinarian (his name is not mentioned). He insisted on prosecuting a journalist, because the view that the death of aquarium fish was long and painful. "
The lawyer said the journalist AFP, that the charges against Klester, absurd, because "fishermen also kill fish, and cooks in restaurants lobster boiled alive, but for them it is none Taskaev by the courts."
Case against Lisbeth Klester be examined by the Court of Copenhagen in late May 2009. If a journalist found guilty, she will designate a penalty.

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