Thursday, April 30, 2009
Prosecutor General has declared the main enemy of the Ukrainian press.
Prosecutor General has succeeded in the first line antireytinga the mayor of Kiev Leonid Chernovetsky, which in 2008 ranked fourth.
According to the Institute, journalists Medvedko criticized the lack of progress in investigating the case of Georgy Gongadze. "No new information on the organizers and sponsors of crimes in the past year, did not appear," - said the drafters of the antireytinga. They also noted that the prosecutor's office did not respond to resonant crimes against journalists, but also ignored the armed seizure of TRC Crimea Crimean deputies who tried to interrupt the program of NATO.
Second place Interior Minister Yuriy Lutsenko, who, according to the authors of the study, in 2008, interferes with the channel 1 +1, and let the beating by police photographers during a protest against illegal construction in Kiev.
At the third Institute of Mass Media and mediaprofsoyuz nominated media owners, who, according to the authors of the project, in violation of labor rights of journalists, groundlessly dismissed employees, as well as pay salaries in envelopes.
The mayor of Kiev Leonid Chernovetsky ranked fourth in the ranking. He was accused of concealing information from journalists about the work of the municipality and Kyiv, as well as the conflict between the press-service, and journalist Sergei Andrushko who tried to ask a question of Kyiv mayor.
As the, Ukrainian antireyting "Enemies of Press Institute of Mass Media and the Independent mediaprofsoyuz Ukraine declared for the third time. The list compiled in accordance with the monitoring of violations of journalists' rights and the findings of 50 independent media experts and senior journalists in Kyiv and the regions of Ukraine.
In Rostov-on-Don, Russia beat the editor in chief of local newspapers.
The state of the journalist is critical. After the operation, which ended at five in the morning on 30 April, he had not yet come to consciousness. At Yaroshenko attacked near the entrance of his own home.
Colleagues Vyatcheslav Yaroshenko attack linked to professional activities of journalists, among the possible motives called revenge for the publication.
As the site Kasparov.Ru journalist Sergei Sleptsov, law enforcement officials have refused to register the fact of the attack on Yaroshenko.
Mayor Pervouralsk to pay compensation for the publication of his poems.
The respondent has Ltd. "Mass Media Center, the founder of the newspaper. It must pay Fedorov 20 thousand rubles, as well as to compensate for the cost of a lawyer, the mayor himself had requested on his behalf to recover a total of 150 thousand rubles.
The publication, entitled "Maxim Fedorov: pitch darkness reigns in the scrap-heap of power" (the title a quotation from a poem made by the mayor) came out in the new weekly newspaper, 29 January 2009. It was published Fyodorova verses from the book "Days of connecting thread, which, according to the" Russian reporter, got a circulation of 500 copies soon after assuming office Fyodorova.
According to the publication, the collection was distributed only among friends, relatives and subordinate to the mayor, and got a copy of the journalists by accident. Editor in chief Anatoly Gusev said that Fedorov has decided to publish the poems, because, in his opinion, Pervouralsk residents have a right to know the moral of the Mayor. In particular, notes the "Russian reporter, most of the poems from the collection is devoted to hangover.
British The Times mixed Warsaw and Moscow.
In fact, the meeting held on 28 April, was held in Poland, as described including the text of the article, a story illustrating the photo was taken in Warsaw. During the one-day visit to Poland, visited Auschwitz, and Brown held talks with Tusk.
Note that as of 2:00 am April 30, Moscow time, the signature under the photograph was still wrong.
Remember, this is the second recent case in which the British press materials contain obvious errors. Published on 6 April on the website edition of The Daily Mirror article that pedophiles will check on the lie detector has been illustrated with a photograph of Kiev Mayor Leonid Chernovetsky.
Subsequently, the page with notes about pedophiles has been removed from the site of the newspaper.
In an attempt to Yerevan coordinator Armenia Today.
Attempted KIVIRIAN happened at the house entrance, where he lived, at about 04:00 Moscow time. Coordinator, Armenia Today beaten and then shot in the head, his condition is critical.
The message, posted on the site of Armenia Today, states only that the victim of assassination - Argishti KIVIRIAN - is the coordinator for the agency, other details of the incident is not the publication.
According to the victim's colleagues, an attempt is connected with professional activity KIVIRIAN adds "Ð"азета.Ru.
In the Mexican series stopped kissing because of the pig flu.
Company representative said that many actors refused removed in romantic episodes, the key to the whole genre because of the fear of getting infected. In these circumstances, scriptwriter have to look for unusual ways in which the characters of soap operas may express warm feelings towards each other.
At the shooting of "tomorrow will last forever" (Manana es para siempre), in particular, have banned not only kiss, but also shake hands. However, his shooting, unlike some other films for television, are not suspended.
Also, porcine influenza epidemic and raised the Mexican reality shows like "Big Brother". In order to ensure the safety of the health of program participants, the survey chose not to zriteley.Chislo Mexicans, whose doctors suspect pig flu, more than 1300 people, more than 150 patients have already died, while true, causes the death of only seven of them officially named pig flu. Also, cases of people with the disease were diagnosed in the UK, Germany, Israel, Spain, Canada, New Zealand and the United States.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
TV channel Al-Jazeera is interested in news from Russia.
Press Service VGTRK reported that the Arabic TV channel Al-Jazeera (headquartered in Qatar) is interested in access to television news material and the Russian company. For the talks in Moscow came the general director of Al-Jazeera Vadah Khanfar. In turn, the Russian side is interested in the opportunity to show their own documentary films in the Al-Jazeera. "
As the "Interfax", the audience channel Al-Jazeera is about 150 million people living in the Arab States, and about 250 million households a potential English-speaking audience.
"Sport-Express", accused of plagiarism
In dealing with the knowledge of "lawyer" Sport Express "Dmitry Rastokin said that the publication of several months sought by Internet portal termination newspaper copy material without the authors. The talks, argues Rastokin, produced no effect, so the newspaper was forced to go to court to demand maximum compensation for breach of copyright under Russian law.
Co-owner of "Sports Today" Dmitry Navosha told that the claim is an element of competition between the two strongest sports media, "the country. Navosha claims that his portal quoted article, "Sport-Express" in accordance with Russian legislation.
The conflict between the publication began in November last year, when the browser "Sport Express" Helen Wojciechowski accused incorrect in citing material from the newspaper. Wojciechowski stated that the theft of materials is the "policy site". Discontent led to the browser quoting material on the site, with reference to the "Sport-Ekcpress" but without specifying a particular author's material. In addition, the quoted material edition puts a hyperlink to the main page of your site, Sport-Express ", rather than on specific articles.
Then Navosha said in his blog that his edition Correspondent extract from the interview component of the newsletter, do not publish full articles from the newspaper. "If the interview Vaytsehovskoy be published only on its own website or blog, we would be happy to link to them," - said Navosha.
Ibid Navosha said, "Sport-Express" continues to work in a secret, but the immutable prohibition to invoke the competitors. " "To any careful reader ASE is fairly obvious," - argues Navosha.
Head of Online Communications KHL Dmitry Revinsky reported in his blog with a link to Navoshu that, "Sports Today" will file a countersuit against the newspaper.
In Russia, the French have eight channels.
Terms of the contract between the AB Groupe and Pleados not disclosed. At the same time aware that the parties stipulated to the inclusion in the schedule of Russian programming.
To date, the license for the broadcast have already received the following channels AB Groupe: AB Moteur, on the Stave v ŽIVO and motorcycling, Chasse et Peche - about hunting and fishing, Encyclopedya - broadcast programs about culture, Animaux - on animal feed and documentaries Escales erotic channel XXL .
Founded in 1977 as a music company AB Groupe ten years engaged in the creation of television channels. Now the company owns 23 TV channels that broadcast in French. Its archives are 1,2 thousand programs a total of about 37 thousand hours.
In addition to Fashion TV Russia and "Megapolis FM" Alexander Shustorovich owns 12 book, magazine publishers, as well as half of the advertising company "Olympus".
U.S. Supreme Court allowed to punish TV stations for abusive language.
The verdict in the controversial issue was introduced after long deliberations and the minimum majority vote: "yes" votes in the five judges, and "no" - four. In addition, the court refused to decide as to whether the action violated the state regulator's first amendment to the Constitution guaranteeing freedom of speech, appointing a new review of this aspect of the case in the Federal Court of Appeal.
The position of the Supreme Court is that the use of inappropriate language in a television broadcast is not as cut-off national TV channels should more strictly than cable television or the Internet, especially in the daytime and evening, when TVs are minors. The court believed that the obscene abuses, even used as an exclamation interjection can severely hurt or offend precisely because of its connection with the first meaning of taboo, and therefore a public broadcast in any case irrelevant.
In gosregulyatore called the Supreme Court's decision "a victory for American families." It also led to the approval of conservative American politicians.
Earlier, a federal appeals court in New York ruled in favor of telekorporatsy. He called the policy of the federal commission "arbitrarily and inconsistently." However gosregulyator did not agree with the verdict and appealed to the Supreme Court.
"Seventeen Moments of Spring" will be the first time in color.
Reported that Tatiana Lioznovoy movie "Seventeen Moments of Spring," filmed in 1973, will be on channel "Russia" from 4 to 8 May at 21:00 in the category "Russian series". This information confirmed the publication of the Deputy Director General Alexander Lyubimov channel. According to him, the work of specialists in computer "paint" the series lasted for three years.
According to the publication, "The First Channel will show the film by Leonid Bykov" The battle among the elderly are "on 9 May.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
British TV viewers will get to advertise spetsknopku.
Subscribers channel, click a button on the remote, will have access to the enhanced version of advertising, and promotional materials, including small clips on how filmed an advertisement. Length of additional episodes can range from two minutes to two hours.
The first companies to take advantage of the opportunities Sky, will be Warner Brothers, T-Mobile and MacMillan Cancer Support. For example, additional episodes will be available to subscribers of Sky when viewing advertising film Warner Brothers "Harry Potter and the Half-Prince."
At the close of NTV, Vladimir Solovyov.
In an interview with RIA Novosti, Vladimir Solovyov said that the closure of the program is not linked to its ratings. "The reasons are corporate", - explained the TV. However, Solovyov added that further work on the TV, if you receive a proposal.
The "K barrier!" on the air on Thursday, 4 September 2003. In each issue of the two guests of opposing views defended on any issue of concern.
In the last edition of 211, published in the April 23 broadcast, Oleg Mitvol and Vladimir Zhirinovsky discuss party device Russia.
The publishing house Conde Nast closed the business magazine Portfolio.
The first issue of Portfolio, like The Wall Street Journal, was released in the light of May 2007. Frequency of publication was then 12 per year. In 2008, the Portfolio, as well as other glossy magazines, faced with declining demand for advertising space. In autumn 2008, Conde Nast has decided to reduce the Portfolio and the state announced that the year will fall 10 issues of the journal.
In the first quarter of 2009, the number of advertisements in the strips Portfolio decreased by 61 percent over the same period in 2008. Given the fact that in early 2009 published three issues of the journal, a year earlier - the two, the volume of advertising in the Portfolio decreased by 46 percent. Number of bands advertising in other publications, presented at the American market, the average for this period declined by 26 percent.
Previously, the publishing house Conde Nast announced that due to financial difficulties suspend publication of men's fashion Men's Vogue, turning it into an annex to the magazine Vogue. In February 2009, Conde Nast closed the German version of the glossy magazine Vanity Fair.
The publishing house Conde Nast publishes 70 magazines in 15 countries around the world, including in Russia. The best-known journals Conde Nast, considered as Vogue, Glamour, GQ, Vanity Fair, The New Yorker and Wired.
Monday, April 27, 2009
International news forum canceled because of the crisis in Thailand.
International Conference Publish Asia 2009, which was to be held in Bangkok in May 2009, will be held in September in India. Organizers attributed the shift of place and time of the event unstable political situation in Thailand, reported AFP on Monday, April 27.
 Representatives of the organizers of the forum - International research and service organization for the publishing industry (IFRA) - reported that the Publish Asia 2009 will take place in the Indian city of Madras, Tamil Nadu, from 23 to 25 September.
Unstable political situation in Thailand has resulted in many countries encouraged their citizens to refrain from trips to the country, so a conference was impossible. Reported that at the Publish Asia 2009 will be the main theme of the impact of financial crisis in the printing industry.
Remember, this is not the first international event in Thailand, disrupted due to the mass of supporters of former prime minister speeches countries Thaksin Shinawatra. In mid-April 2009 protesters disrupted the ASEAN Summit in Pattaya.
Later in Bangkok state of emergency was proclaimed, and as a result of numerous clashes between the opposition and the police killed two people and more than a hundred injured. The current Thai Prime Aphisit Vetchachiva April 24 announced the normalization of the situation in the country and lifted the emergency rule.
The owner of British Independent faces technical default.
The amount needed INM, to pay the coupon on the bonds. If this happens, the company may declare a technical default. Now co-owners of the holding, including the Irish media magnate Tony O'Reilly (Tony O'Reilly), negotiating a debt restructuring INM, estimated 1.2 billion pounds (1.33 billion euros).
INM has already postponed the publication of financial results of its work in 2008 from 24 to 30 April. Payment for the bonds be held until May 17. According to the Irish businessman Denis O'Brien (Denis O'Brien), which owns 25 percent of the shares in INM, the chances that the holding company will repay the coupon, make up "50 to 50."
Remember, in November 2008 it became known that Tony O'Reilly intends to sell his stake in Australia's largest media holding APN. Funds that O'Reilly expect to gain, a businessman had planned to send to debt INM. Have to complete the transaction is not yet known.
The Independent was founded in 1986. This is one of the most famous British national daily newspapers.
Manual Fifth Channel TV denied the removal of the ether.
o reported that he had made offensive remarks to callers on the air telezriteley.23 April Bodrunov apologized to the journalists on the site KERPPiT. The official, however, said that some statements attributed to him improperly, and did not rule that apply to the court. Tatyana Alexandrova refused to accept the apology, noting that officials should have to resign. In addition, the lead is not arranged for a form of apology.
Program manager at the "Fifth Channel suspended from the ether.
Lead is also stated that he does not know how long it was suspended. Alexandrov refused to comment on whether the removal of the ether with the situation around the ether "Petersburg hour" with the participation of St. Petersburg Committee for Economic Development (KERPPiT) Sergei Bodrunova.
April 8 in the air was a discussion of crisis plan Smolny. Subsequently it became known that after the ether has a conflict in which the officer commented negatively on the professional qualifications of the sponsors of the program, as well as the callers on the air viewers. The Government of St. Petersburg has conducted an investigation, and experts have concluded that Bodrunov should apologize, since allowed myself to "bad tone." April 23, at the official site of the Committee for Economic Development were published apology Bodrunova. This officer claims that, although the shape and tone of his remarks were unacceptable, some of the phrases in the media attributed to him by journalists.
Tatyana Alexandrova officials refused to accept an apology and said that he should resign. TV is not arranged the form of an apology: in the opinion of Alexandrova, Bodrunov should apologize directly.
Sochi police detained an American journalist.
As the head of the agency press center ATC Sochi Erenburg Alexander, a journalist was arrested in connection with what was at the polling station under the guise of an observer, not having the right to do so. Hesse arrived at the polling station after it closed, along with the headquarters of Boris Nemtsov.
The representatives arrived at the headquarters Nemtsova station to lodge a complaint against the irregularities in the vote. When checking the documents revealed that Hesse was not in possession of a journalist's identity and accreditation card, and he was taken to the central police department of Sochi.
According Erenburg, after discussions with the Migration Service of Hesse was released. He also noted that Hesse was asked to write explaining that, "in which a journalist was at the polling station."
Recall elections are held the mayor of Sochi on April 26. According to Sochi vote, a victory in the vote won by the candidate of United Russia, the Acting Mayor of Sochi Anatoly Pahomov obtaining 77 percent of the vote. Boris Nemtsov has gained 13.5 per cent of the vote and has already announced its intention to apply to court and challenge the election results on the grounds that the ballot was characterized by numerous irregularities.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Tymoshenko will not leave Ukraine without a final "Eurovision".
Previously, the first vice-president of the National Television Company of Ukraine (NTKU) Roman Nedzelsky said that a visit to the Eurovision in Moscow, Ukrainian television can not take place due to lack of funds. In Moscow for the lighting of the "Eurovision" was planned to send a group of journalists' First National TV Channel of Ukraine.
In the press service of the Ukrainian government, circulated on 25 April, said that Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko Goskomteleradio requested to ensure that the final broadcast song contest, "providing, when necessary, appropriate proposals to Cabinet."
 The contest "Eurovision" will take place in Moscow from 10 to 16 May 2009. Ukraine at Eurovision "will represent the former participant of group" VIA Gra "Svetlana Loboda. From Russia to speak Ukrainian singer Anastasia Prikhodko. The competition will take place in three stages - two semifinals, 12 and 14 May and the finals on May 16. The representative of Ukraine to pass the semi. Does Ukraine to broadcast the semifinals, with the participation of Svetlana Loboda not specified. A participant from Russia immediately gets to the finals, as the representative of the country-host the competition.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Iranian journalist convicted in a hunger strike.
Recall Roxana Saber was arrested in Iran in January 2009 on charges of buying alcohol. She was later charged with the work without accreditation, and then - of spying for the United States. In April 2009, Saber was sentenced to eight years in prison.
As explained AFP, 25 April this year, counsel to the court reporter filed the appeal.
Saber was born in the United States in the Japanese family and the Iranians. In 2003, she traveled to Iran and began a journalistic career. Soon, the Iranian authorities revoked its accreditation, after which BBC News has issued its document freelance correspondent. In 2006, these documents have also been canceled.
Justified in the case of Cold otsudil businessman eight million rubles.
In December 2007, MOVS Barkovsky awarded compensation for moral damages in the amount of 6 million 687 thousand 157 rubles. Were also satisfied with the claims of other acquitted defendants on trial for the murder of Cold.
Journalist "Moscow Komsomolets" Dmitry Kholodov was killed in October 1994. Chief of Intelligence VDV Paul Popovski and other former paratroopers have been charged, but the court acquitted them twice.
Journalists Fifth channel "does not forgive the St. Petersburg official.
The program manager is not arranged for a form of apology. They were not brought directly and published on 23 April on the official website of the Committee.
Despite assurances Alexandrova that staff "are not going to require blood, she ruled out an official invitation to re-broadcast transmission, until he" did not decide to choose a more appropriate form of apology. "
The conflict between the head of the St. Petersburg journalists and KERPPiT "Fifth Channel occurred after the end of the" Petersburg hour ", which discussed the crisis measures taken by the city government. According to the newspaper Kommersant, Bodrunov not only gave the authors of the program evaluation offensive, and call the audience, but also threatened to find the administration to journalists.
After the April 15, information about the conflict trickled into the media, Smolny began an investigation the incident. April 20, in the city administration came to the conclusion that Bodrunov afford to "bad tone" to the journalists and should apologize.
Talk Show "The St. Petersburg hour" to "Fifth Channel finasiruetsya Smolny and it is mainly essential resource governor Valentina Matvienko. Sending broadcast only in St. Petersburg five times a week on weekdays. It discusses urban problems.
TV host Jay Leno discharged from hospital.
58-year-old TV host, let's have been taken to hospital the previous day due to a sudden deterioration of health while working in NBC television studios in Los Angeles. What exactly led to hospitalization, the representative refused to tell Leno.
Jay Leno on NBC leads a popular talk show "The Tonight Show". Because of the hospitalization Leno show did not come on the air and was replaced by repetitive - for the first time in 17 years, during which Leno was his lead.
Previously, it was reported that at the end of May 2009 Leno replaced by the leading "The Tonight Show" Konan O'Brayenu, but will continue to work at NBC. In September 2009, the channel will broadcast a new TV show called "The Jay Leno Show", which will lead Leno.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Natalia Morar was allowed to leave the house.
Morar itself previously stated that participated in the organization of peaceful protests in Chisinau on April 6. At the same time, she denied involvement in the mass unrest, which began the next day. Then the crowd defeated the parliament building and the residence of the president.
Massive protests in Chisinau began after the announcement of the results of parliamentary elections, which defeated the Communists. The opposition felt that the election results were rigged and demanded a vote. Moldovan President Vladimir Voronin accused the rioters of Special neighboring Romania.
Journalism has become known after the FSB officers detained her in Domodedovo airport after returning from a business trip in Israel. On the same day she was deported from Russia to Armenia, Moldova.
Morar continued cooperation with the magazine The New Times to start mass protests in Moldova. When they sent a journalist on the job letter, which said it was suspending cooperation, explaining that the fact that its active participation in the political life of Moldova violates the Code of Ethics for journalists.
Ukraine does not have enough money for coverage of "Eurovision".
According to Nedzelskogo, due to lack of funding due to crisis NTKU may be forced to cancel a trip to Moscow a large group of journalists and national TV.
In addition, the Ukrainian participant of Svetlana Loboda, which should speak May 14 in the second semifinal, explained that due to financial constraints, she had to lay flat. Currently Loboda collect money through your website. According to her, the bulk of available funds spent on the production of decorations, that make in Hong Kong. Accommodation, meals and travel costs also dorogo.Konkurs "Eurovision" will take place in May 2009 in Moscow. Russia at this year represents Ukrainian singer Anastasia Prikhodko.
Kazakh newspaper editor released from custody.
Bapi was arrested five days the morning of 23 April. Thus a specialized administrative court of Almaty punish a journalist for failure of the earlier court decision. Bapi himself and his colleagues at the newspaper Taszhargan "announced that April 24 will begin a hunger strike to demand the release of Glavred. Meanwhile, the Almaty prosecutor's office protested the decision to arrest Bapi, and he was immediately released.
Decision of the court, which did not comply Bapi, editor "Taszhargan" is liable to pay compensation for moral damages in the amount of 30 million tenge (about 200 thousand U.S. dollars), members of Parliament of Kazakhstan Romina Madinovu. The MP appealed to the court after the newspaper cited him latifundistom.
During a special meeting of the Administrative Court on 23 April Bapi announced that stops output Taszhargana. He said: "I constantly feel the total pressure and do not want to suggest friends, journalists and their families." Journalist officially announced its decision to the presidential administration of Kazakhstan, members of the national Parliament, other governments, human rights organizations, as well as the embassies of the United States, Britain and Germany. Do Bapi changed its position in relation to the release from detention, still remains unclear.
Son Tuvinian senator headed the newspaper France-Soir.
It was expected that in the near future will be decided on the formation of the Supervisory Board of France-Soir, in which will Bryunua Jean-Pierre (Jean-Pierre Brunois) - former owner of a controlling block of the newspaper.
Company Sablon International, owned by Alexander Pugachev, the youngest son of the Senator from Tuva Sergei Pugachev, in early 2009 to gain control over 85 percent of shares in France-Soir.
Another 15 percent of shares owned by developers, Jean-Pierre Bryunua in 2006 kupivshemu newspaper that was on the brink of bankruptcy. If in 1955, France-Soir published a circulation of 1.5 million copies in 2005, newspaper circulation is not more than 50 thousand copies.
Bryunua decided to turn to France-Soir tabloid, but this step was not able to prevent a further decline in circulation. At the end of 2008, reports RIA Novosti, France-Soir published a circulation of 23 thousand copies.
The controlling France-Soir in 2006, tried to acquire Russian Arkady Gaidamak. However, when preference was given to plan the publication of the crisis, the proposed Bryunua and journalist Reem Olivier (Olivier Rey).
Popular American TV host Jay Leno has got to the hospital.
The health status of Jay Leno, told a press agent Comedy, worsened on Thursday afternoon, when he was at NBC studios in California. Leno was taken to a local hospital.
Press agent comedian said that the health of Leno does not cause fear among doctors. It was expected that Leno will leave the hospital at the end of this week and on Monday, April 27, will return to work. What compelled Leno to see a doctor, its representative for relations with the press refused to report.
In March 2009, the guest of "The Tonight Show" was Barack Obama, who, according to the guide NBC, the first acting President of the United States who took part in such an entertaining program. Prior to Obama in "The Tonight Show" there was his rival in the struggle for the post of U.S. president - John McCain.
May 29, 2009 broadcast due to be the latest release of "The Tonight Show", which will be Jay Leno. Comedy, which is leading this program in 1992, after leaving "The Tonight Show" will continue to work for NBC.
Petersburg official apologized to the "Fifth channel.
The official acknowledged that the tone of his communication with journalists and leading the program, as well as an assessment of their actions during the broadcast were "inadequate." His behavior, he explained that the treatment "ill talk show" for it was unexpected, since before the broadcast he was preparing to speak to pre-planned.
This Bodrunov denied statements attributed to him offensive to the citizens and promised to appeal to court if their replication.
The conflict between the head of the St. Petersburg journalists and KERPPiT "Fifth Channel occurred after the end of the" Petersburg hour ", which discussed the crisis measures taken by the city government. According to the ", Bodrunov extremely emotionally answer on TV, professionalism and leading the entire press corps TV. In addition, the officer allegedly threatened the dismissal of employees.
April 16, " reported that Smolny began an investigation the incident. April 20, in the city administration came to the conclusion that Bodrunov afford to "bad tone" to the journalists and to apologize, reports RIA Novosti. Confirmation of information about insulting the citizens, which, according to some media, the head of KERPPiT supposedly called the "cattle" in the Smolny not found.
The "Petersburg hour" to "Fifth channel" is in the form of an interactive talk show five times a week on weekdays. It is broadcast only in St. Petersburg. It discusses urban problems.
DPRK authorities have completed the investigation of American journalists.
"The investigation conducted by the competent authorities of the DPRK, the journalist will be brought to justice," - said KCNA. What charges will be presented to a journalist, does not specify информагентÑтво, reporting only that their crimes are documented. " Earlier, North Korean media have distributed a message that the American journalist threatened by charges of "hostile activity".
American journalist Laura Ling (Laura Ling) and Li Yong (Euna Lee), working for the channel Current TV, were arrested March 17 at the border the DPRK and China. Reported that Lin and Lee prepared a report on North Korean refugees in China. According to one version, the journalist had been taken into custody by North Korean border guards on the Chinese territory. The authorities of the DPRK, in turn, argue that the journalist illegally crossed the border of North Korea.
U.S. State Department said that is making all possible efforts to free the journalists. Set free amerikanok called the North Korean authorities and international human rights organization Reporters Without Borders. "
Komi prosecutor's office was protecting the Spanish journalists.
Also supervising agency has denied a report that three Spanish journalists were expelled from Vorkuta. Spaniards themselves in an interview with journalists from Radio Liberty reported that they showed officers ATC tickets to Moscow, and left the city on the train, which planirovali.Soobschenie and the expulsion of the Spanish municipal journalists appeared on 22 April. Representatives of local government FMS stated that the Spaniards were filming a documentary for European television, and thus implement employment and commercial activity, although did not have the right to do so since Russia entered on tourist visas.
Journalists took interviews with residents of the city, shot types of Vorkuta and its environs, and sought information about the gulag and Stalin's repressions. A member of Vorkuta rights society "Memorial" Gregory Mamulashvili told Radio Liberty that the Spaniards never really been a journalist visa and permission for filming from Russia's Foreign Ministry, but it is not grounds for a ban on photography and the kinds of conversations with residents of the city.
It is also reported that in 2008 a Spanish film crew has already visited Vorkuta, and subsequently made some of photos were published in journals.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
The Daily Mirror illustrated an article on pedophiles photography mayor of Kiev.
At the original photos from on 9 March 2006 a smiling face the city, passes polygraph test, you can see well, but to illustrate to the website of the newspaper it was zaretushirovano.
To be sure, Leonid Chernovetsky never appeared in any criminal cases involving pedophilia and is not suspected of committing crimes of this kind.
This is the illustration on the site of The Daily Mirror came from the fact that the Bild-editor, most likely looking at a picture agency fotobaze detector lies on the keyword, but not drawing attention to the identity and status is depicted in the photo rights.
Kazakhstan has arrested the chief editor of opposition newspaper.
Ermurat Bapi, editor in chief "Taszhargan" arrested for five days at the request of city prosecutor's office of Almaty. Such a decision rendered a special administrative court (FTA), Alma-Ata. Reported that the journalist was arrested in the courtroom.
The grounds for administrative detention Ermurata Bapi has been the failure of previous judicial decisions, according to which newspaper Taszhargan "should pay MPs Kazakhstan Romina Madinovu 30 million tenge (about 200 thousand U.S. dollars) as compensation for moral harm.
Member of Madinah was offended that one of the publication of his newspaper called latifundistom. Initially, the MP called for 300 million tenge, but during the court proceedings had been compromised.
Remember, in early March 2009 in Alma-Ata in front of City Court held a picket in support of "Taszhargan", which was attended by about two hundred people.
On Thursday, April 23, Kazakhstan Pozitsiya.SU online edition reported that the wording of the newspaper Taszhargan "suspended its activities in protest against the arbitrariness of the authorities." Also reported that the newspaper published since 1998.
FHM Magazine has chosen the most sexual woman.
Note that FHM is traditionally the annual ratings of "very sexual women" is not the end of the year, and in April. Complete results of the poll of readers will be published in the June issue of the journal. Reported that in the last vote held on the site publication, was attended by some 10 million readers. Total rating of one hundred positions.
American actress Megan Fox, winner in 2008, descended to the second line rating.
The Daily Telegraph noted that "unexpected surprise" was the appearance on the fourth line of the rating the American singer Britney Spears, as previously expected, that it does not fall into the hundreds of attractive women because of problems in his personal life that have occurred in the past.
The first five of the most sexual women in the world in 2009 according to FHM look like (in brackets the position in 2008):
 1) Cheryl Cole (7) 2) Megan Fox (1) 3) Jessica Alba (2) 4) Britney Spears (31) 5) keels Heyzell (3)
Australian journalists podlozhili shark.
The incident occurred in the south-east coast of Australia in the port city Varrnambul (Warrnambool), Victoria. Patrol officers arrived on the summons, and found still alive 60-cm shark next to the editors, put it in a bucket with water and taken to the quay. They threw the fish into the water, and, according to police "with it now all right." It is anticipated, it was a Bull shark Australia (Port Jackson shark), non-hazardous to humans.
According to the publication, citizen action, which led the officers in accordance with the laws of the state, which in all such cases discovered shark or other large fish is obliged to take measures for its rescue.
 Local resident (name not specified), informed the police about the sharks, told the publication: "When I came out of McDonald's, I was called a gentleman standing in front of the newspaper. I went and did not believe my eyes: on the stairs is a live shark. I initially thought that census. I did not have a cell phone, so I immediately went to the police station and reported the incident. "
According to the AFP, in the editorial do not represent those who could mend the shark, and for what purpose. In the Metropolitan Police Agency reported that the most surprising incident in Varrnambule recently.
Press Secretary Luzhkov led a "Radio Center".
The fact that the shareholders of OJSC "Concern" Radio Center "(the station," says Moscow, "" Sports Radio "and others) have decided to appoint a new Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Press Secretary Moscow Mayor Sergei Tsoi, told Kommersant deputy director Concern Yuri Anisimov. Sam Sergei Tsoi confirmed that accepted the offer.
According to the publication, several media sources claim that the Government of Moscow is also now considering the possibility of foreclosure 60 percent of the shares of JSC "Concern" Radio Center "and 35 percent of the shares in OAO" SCC "Capital TV" from another co-owner of the company - OOO "Bonaventura" Basil Kichedzhi. Yuri Anisimov in an interview with "Kommersant" confirm this information. But Sergei Tsoi said that while "the issue of acquisition of these packages to the mayor's office is not."
According to Kommersant, before the crisis of OJSC "Concern" Radio Center "and JSC" SCC "Capital TV" together amounted to more than 70 million dollars.
JSC "Concern" Radio Center ", one of the largest radio operators in Russia, was established by order of the Moscow Government in August 1997. Concern owned media assets as follows: the radio," says Moscow, "Russian Public Radio, Radio Sport" package shares in OAO "SCC TV" Capital. "
Dagestan Journalist fined for book reviews.
The proceedings initiated author peer-reviewed works of a journalist "Free Republic" Zaur Gaziyev, who found a response to his tale Anokhina "Gemini" offensive. Anokhin addition, the defendant in the suit stood another officer "New cases" Natalia Kraynova also eventually fined for 12 thousand.
Claims journalist to Anokhin was that in his review of the book she has called Gaziyeva "ancestor of the genre 'Kidane kakashkami'", as well as to the phrase "it does not confuse with the cloak shroud of Christ, as the graph with the Countess, pointing to the author's ignorance tales.
Regarding Kraynovoy, the lawsuit filed against it Gaziev after publication in the New the "column" What I like Svetlana Anokhin. The contents of this text Gaziev also found not fit and said the phrase "at least some of the journalism department said Zaur Gaziyev that it is not journalism, but throwing kakashek? Many think so, but nobody spoke." Both journalists Gaziev demanded compensation for moral damages in the amount of 3 million rubles.
As the "" as Gaziyev, and sentenced to a fine journalist is not happy with the decision of the court, and we intend to appeal.
In the center of Moscow will build a new TV.
According to him, erect a building in the pedestrian accessibility to the metro station "Novokuznetskaya. The height of a television will be 13-15 floors - the top mark to 50 meters.
Kuzmin said that the station building is located in the zone of strict regulation of development.
In doing so, the chief architect did not specify timing of construction, as well as the source of its funding.
Department of Homeland Security United States save on a subscription basis.
Among the publications, a subscription which abandoned on 27 April 2009, public policy influential newspaper The New York Times and The Washington Post, as well as magazines Newsweek and Time. Access to these publications, said division of the Ministry in charge of subscriptions, staff will be able to obtain through the Internet.
By signing the U.S. Department of Homeland Security is going to receive only newspapers and magazines that have no representation on the Web. In doing so, the Ministry intends to reduce the number of issued copies of such publications, and provide access to the largest number of employees. The Ministry also intends to continue to carefully consider all requests for subscriptions to their appropriateness.
The official representative of the Ministry of National Security of the U.S. Sara Kuban (Sara Kuban) confirmed the AP, that the decision on refusal of accepted subscriptions for cost savings, making it difficult to specify what the amount is at stake.
Since early 2009, two major American newspapers - Seattle Post-Intelligencer and the Rocky Mountain News - announced the move to on-line version. From March 27 stops to go in the daily newspaper and a Christian Science Monitor, also decided to focus on developing a presence on the Internet. The decision was made in connection with the losses that the publication suffered from the decline in subscriptions and retail sales, as well as reducing the demand for advertising space.
The groom was condemned in Iran journalist made his open letter.
  Iranian Kurdish director Bahman Ghobadi made an open letter in defense of his bride - an American journalist Roxana Saber, which is an Iranian court sentenced him to eight years in prison for spying for the United States. On this April 22, reports Associated Press.
A letter circulated through the human rights organizations. In his message, Ghobadi called on all politicians and public figures to "do something" for the release of Saber. The director claims that his bride was not spy. According to him, Saber ever worked exclusively journalistic and literary work.
The director argues that Saber was going to go long in the United States from Iran, but left because it fell in love with him. He asked her to wait for the end of the work on his new movie, and then deal with the move.
According Ghobadi, he fears for the health of the bride. He learned that in prison she is depressed and crying constantly.
Roxana Saber was born in the United States in the Japanese family and the Iranians. In 2003, Saber arrived in Iran and began a journalistic career. Soon, the authorities revoked the accreditation of its journalists. Instead, BBC News journalist documents issued freelance correspondent. In 2006, these documents have also been canceled. Until now, Saber, which has dual U.S. and Iranian citizenship, remained in Iran, occasionally making reports and working on a book publicist.
In January 2009, Saber was arrested. First, it was accused of buying alcohol at a later date - to work without accreditation, and then - of espionage. U.S. authorities have demanded the release of Saber, but in April it was sentenced to eight years in prison. In response to outrage the U.S. Iran has asked Americans not to interfere in the internal affairs of the country.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
TV channel "Star" will be federal.
During the meeting, the Presidium of the State Council on the improvement of pre-training for young people, Medvedev noted that the issue was almost resolved. He noted that despite the fact that "Star" is not offended attention, this channel is distributed far from everywhere.
TV channel "Star" first appeared on the air in February 2005 and a year later began webcasting in Russia. Television goes around the clock. In the "stars" includes feature films and documentaries, news releases, the transfer of the Russian army, non-fiction and children's programs.
The composition of the package of free digital channels, which will be broadcast to the whole Russia, was launched in December 2008. The package includes the "First Channel", "Russia", "To +", Culture, Sports, Children's Channel, NTV and Channel 5. " In addition, the binding free digital package will include three radio stations: Radio Russia, Mayak "and" Vesti FM ".
Full transition of Russia to digital broadcasting should be carried out, intended Minkomsvyazi, 2015.
The Nobel laureate will be a lawyer convicted of journalist in Iran.
Shirin Ebadi has called the trial of Roxanne Saber unfair and the verdict - in contravention of the Constitution. Human rights activist has pledged to appeal the verdict.
Roxana Saber was arrested in January 2009. She was accused of spying on the grounds that it continued to engage in journalistic activities and prepare reports for the Western television channels, although her press card expired back in 2006. Saber is a citizen of the United States and Iran. U.S. authorities demanded the immediate release of journalist.
Shirin Ebadi received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2003. She was one of the first women judges in Iran, then left the judicial office for the profession. In 2008, the Iranian authorities have closed her human rights center.
Vorkuta expelled from the Spanish television.
According to Shkurat expelled journalists filmed in a documentary about Vorkuta gulag and Stalin's repressions to a Spanish TV channels. In doing so, they go to Russia on tourist visas and had no right to engage in professional activities in the country.
Spaniards took the interviews with the residents of Vorkuta, photographed views of the city and gather information on the gulag. Journalists were taken to a local ATM and after a protocol on administrative violation seated on the train to Moscow.
In the late 1930's - early 1950's were located in the Komi several major re-education camps, including Vorkuta ITL (Vorkutlag).
Belarusian journalist fined for shooting officials.
The incident involving a journalist and a "man in civilian clothes" occurred April 16 at the courthouse Pervomaisky area. On that day they tried the case Dmitri Fedoruk - an activist of the opposition Young Front ", which recently called on the army. The legitimacy of opposition is contesting the appeal in court: Fedoruk, in particular, refused to pass medical board, but he was fit for military service, in part revealed that it needed an operation in relation to varicose veins.
After the court on 16 April Lyubenchuk got interviews with Fedoruk. There is still a few people: friends and opposition journalists. They noticed that an unidentified man, refused to provide, was to withdraw the proceedings on video. The issues he ignored the present. Then Lyubenchuk, in turn, was to withdraw its cell stranger. "He zanervnichal, ran to us, and pushed the lens, get out of his pocket walkie-talkie, has become something to it" - says the journalist.
Lyubenchuk soon left the court building, but a stranger, which is now accompanied by a police officer, caught up with him at the entrance. A police officer told reporters that he was arrested for disturbing public order. Lyubenchuka until the next morning was kept in police custody. According to him, his opponent (in the protocol, it appeared as K. Harlan) presented policemen KGB officer.
BlagojeviÄ race was not allowed to go to the jungles of Costa Rica.
During the trial the District Judge James Zagel (James Zagel) refused to change the terms Blagojević release on bail, according to which he has no right to leave the United States. Blagojević should remain in the country to help lawyers to develop a protection strategy. In addition, according to Zagelya, the former governor is not until the end realizes how serious the situation, in which he appeared.
Commenting on the outcome of the meeting, Blagojevic told journalists that will play a "very large, a significant role in his defense. He reiterated that the innocent not guilty.
Former Governor of Illinois had planned to participate in the filming of reality TV show NBC "I celebrity, Take me out of here!" Which is similar to the well-known project "The Last Hero" (in the English version of "Survivor"). Members are sent to the jungles of Costa Rica, where they perform various tasks, and gradually retire from the game.
Blagojević Counsel tried to convince the judge that the channel will take all security measures that the former governor did not run away. But Assistant Attorney reminded that if Blagojević convicted, he faces 25 to 30 years imprisonment, but this is quite a serious motive for absconding.
52-year-old Blagojevic was arrested Dec. 9, 2009 on charges of attempting to sell the seat of Senator from Illinois, which is vacant following the election of Barak Obama President of the United States. Soon the governor was released on bail. He refused to voluntarily resign, declaring his innocence, then in January 2009, the State Senate announced his impeachment.
Retired governor has already tried their strength as a leading radio and signed a contract to write the book, which promised to tell you about the "dark side of politics."
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Television Kyrgyzia obliged half ester broadcast in their native language.
These measures resulted from the need for conservation and development of the Kyrgyz language, which is the second state, along with Russian. In the near future, the bill will be submitted to the Parliament.
However, some MPs have expressed the view that the implementation of this bill will reduce the audience of TV and radio channels and adversely affect the development of this area. According to the Ministry of Culture and Information Kadyrbek Abdraev, switch to the new format will be able to broadcast only about 20 percent of television, the rest will be forced to close.
Currently in the territory of Kyrgyzstan has three national and several dozen local television stations. The largest company is the National Broadcasting Corporation CD (NTRK), which includes the state television and radio broadcasting. Broadcast in the country is, basically, in Russian, Kyrgyz and Uzbek languages. In doing so, most of the broadcast took Russian program. A retransmission of programs of Russian TV channels ORT, RTR, TVC, NTV.
"BBC" will reduce advertising costs by a quarter.
Previously, it was assumed that the advertising budget units will be 100 million pounds sterling. According to The Guardian, which refers to the source of the "BBC", due to reduced expenditures on advertising are likely to be suspended campaign "Perfect Day" and "This is what we do".
Reduction of the advertising budget has been one of the paragraphs of the "BBC", aimed at reducing costs in the face of crisis. It was proposed by Director General Mark Thompson (Mark Thompson). Earlier in the program of the corporation has decided to lower the wages and dismiss the lead more than 1200 staff.
TV and Radio "BBC" was established in 1922. Now correspondents and affiliated companies operate in more than 200 countries. "BBC" belongs to an international news channel BBC World News.
Directed by "monsters" made the magazine puzzles.
As writes The New York Times, published in the issue of a long sequence of tasks for which required knowledge of Morse alphabet, alternative keyboard layouts, the color codes of wires and so on. In doing so, not all puzzles are labeled as printed: that some stories contain keys, readers must guess yourself.
The owners of Wired explains that made Abrams number should help you keep an audience the paper version of the magazine. Earlier in Wired, in the same capacity as the Abrams, a film director James Cameron worked and architect Rem Kolhas. By the use of such tactics, and other publications. For example, the singer Bono editor of The Independent and Vanity Fair, Steven Spielberg made the April (2009) issue of the magazine Empire.
Investigating the murder of Vladislav Listiev suspended.
Vladislav leaves was killed 1 March 1995 near the entrance of his house on the street in Moscow, Novokuznetsk. A month before the leaves had been appointed general director of Russian Public Television (ORT), he was a TV "Subject", and before that was the leading quiz "field of miracles."
Criminals are not touched the money and valuables Listiev, allowing the investigation to draw conclusions about the custom nature of the killing.
Over 14 years of investigation by representatives of the Prosecutor General has repeatedly stated that a case does not cease, and it does not translate into a bad. Appeared regularly reports on the identification of new developments in the investigation.
In 2002, a representative of the General Directorate of Criminal Investigation MIA Russia announced that the investigation found alleged, and that they were announced in the federal and international search. According to the agency Rosbalt, confessed to the murder of a professional killer Andrew ЧелÑ&lsqauo;шев, moreover, in the investigation were interviewed businessmen Boris Berezovsky, Sergei Lisovsky and Sergei Mikhailov. In the media discussed the version that Berezovsky was opposed to the leaves led ORT. The businessman, in turn, claimed that the assassination of Russian special services are.
Site condemn extremism in the forum.
According to the publication, in 2008, the Federal Service for Supervision in the sphere of communications and mass communications (Roskomnadzor, former Roskomsvyaznadzor) edition of the agency issued two warnings about the signs of extremism, officials are not detected in the journalistic media, and in the comments of readers to articles on the site.
On Monday, 20 April, the Federal Arbitration Court of Moscow District dismissed a cassation appeal URA.Ru Roskomnadzoru to the illegality of the agency issued warnings for extremism. Previously, such decisions were taken by the court Basmannyj the capital and the Moscow Arbitration Court. According to the Kommersant, now, when the agency lost the case in the last instance, the law on mass media Roskomnadzor have the right to appeal to the court and to the closure of the resource.
According to "Kommersant" URA.Ru owner and editor-in-chief Aqsa Panova, the first extremist message has been left to the reader at a forum in 2008 to the article entitled "April 20, skinheads celebrate the birthday of Hitler's massive attacks on foreigners."
According to Panov, unknown in his message wished the death of the first persons the state, but also enabled a number of racist replicas. Despite the fact that the message has been removed by moderators, it managed to observe the territorial administration Roskomnadzora. According to the audit in June 2008 URA.Ru agency issued a warning. But by this time such reports have appeared in an editorial forum every day. "We are convinced that this was a planned campaign - told the publication Panova. - First, we delete these messages, which contain the same text, but in the end he was seen, and we received a second warning."
Following these events, editorial URA.Ru turned to law enforcement agencies in all regions, where the agency. However, this led only to the fact that the agency began testing, during which the Interior Ministry and FSB officers were looking for signs of extremism in the editorial content. Authors of communications agencies and have not found, despite the fact that the editors provided the IP-addresses of computers from which they were sent, and it would enable them to calculate.
Counsel URA.Ru Andrew Belyansky explained Kommersant that "no court has taken into account that the journalists had nothing to do with the emergence of extremist speech. To prove its correctness, we can only claim obzhaluya Roskomsvyaznadzora on the Elimination of URA.Ru, if Of course, such a claim would be filed. "
With regard to possible action by the Roskomnadzora to close the resource, the press secretary of the Office of Eugene Strelchik said "Kommersant": "Formally, we now have the right to appeal to the court with an application for closure of the media. But it is not automatic. We will see how they react, understand that time gaps or policy publications. After all, such speech must be Moderate and track time. "
Meanwhile, in the editorial worried that the agency and spend on technology, which will close any evil in the media, with Internet-based forum. According to attorney Andrew Belyanskogo edition, expanded by courts interpreting the terms "Internet" and "Forum" may result "to limit the work of all the unwanted media, but on this technology URA.Ru just worked."
The creators of "Igromaniya" crisis magazine release.
In the published note that due to a low price "Igromaniya Light" can be seen as a crisis issue. The idea of creating a fall last year, before falling circulations. The new magazine will be available in the A5, but its content is about 70-80 per cent would duplicate the usual "Igromaniya.
Each room is equipped with a new edition with a CD called "fans". Above the "Igromaniya Light" is the same team that created the normal version of the magazine. Circulation of the first issue is 10 thousand copies.
Igor Varnavsky noted that the circulation of the magazine Igromaniya "has dropped from 220-230 thousand to 190 thousand copies. It was expected that in summer it drops further. Added that the magazine Igromaniya "released in 1997. A4-size publication is monthly. The volume of each issue is 256 pages.
Bashkir newspaper suspected of extremism.
Prosecutor Bashkiria Hurtin sent Sergei Kirov District Court in a statement to recognize one of the extremist January numbers Maidan. Experts prosecutors have determined that this issue contains material which refers to the inevitability and desirability of the revolutionary "liberation" of Russia Bashkiria. In addition, in the newspaper, how to set the Public Prosecutor's Office, says of the superiority of people of nationality and religion (Islam).
According to the publication of "" at the end of March, in Bashkortostan, was detained the leader of the opposition movement Nation of Islam "Airat Dilmuhametov (later he was placed under house arrest). Dilmuhametova charged with the publication of calls to extremism. In November 2008, in "Square" were printed oppositionist article, which refers to the need for the Islamic Revolution in Bashkiria. Earlier Dilmuhametov has twice been found guilty of publishing extremist materials. He received the conditional period of time.
Monday, April 20, 2009
He died a well-known TV presenter Yuri Fokine.
"Yuri Fokin, died yesterday. He lived for over eighty years", - told the agency the National Association of Broadcasters president Edward Sagalaev. This Sagalaev noted that the funeral was a reporter and a leading association of the First Channel and VGTRK, but time and place of the funeral has not yet been determined.
As recalled, "Echo of Moscow", in 60 of the last century, the name of Yuri Fokine knew the entire Soviet Union. He was the author, creator and lead the "Relay of news." For a long time, the program appeared in the weekly format. It is from her appearance, as the radio station, taken to reading the information broadcast on the national television.
According to the "Echo of Moscow", is now the name of Yuri Fokine, who not only had "the baton of news, but filmed in the cinema, almost forgotten. In the 60 years he has not once occurred conflicts with management. It has been removed from esters reprimand. Nevertheless, for nearly 10 years he remained mostly television country.
In 1984, at age 60, he retired. In 1999, Yuri Fokin TEFI was awarded for his contribution to the development of television.
In Estonia, the Russian-language newspapers have stopped production.
"The suspension made on the basis of our desire not to increase the debt load fund to the state and workers," - said Sepp. "The Board does not believe in the rapid growth of the advertising market and mitigate the economic crisis in the Republic of Estonia", - added the representative of the publisher.
Sepp also noted that the Foundation and its publications have become the object of political attacks and attack the press, "and recalled that" in recent months, criminal proceedings were instituted against the fund, which complicated the rhythm of daily work. "
At the end of February 2009 edition of "West of the day" was searched. The prosecutor's office said that investigations have been conducted within the framework of criminal proceedings related to bribery in the administration of Tallinn. Also, it was reported that in this case, was detained by a deputy of Tallinn town meeting Elmar Sepp.
Estonian media wrote that the fund Jüri Vilmsa suspected of illegal activities by means of a centrist party in Estonia, which is chaired by the Mayor of Tallinn Edgar Savisaar. However, editor-in-chief Alexander Chapligin believes that the authorities unhappy mood opposition publications.
In Moscow, Defense Ministry shot photographer.
Leonid Yakutin engaged in war photographer for fifty years. Last Photo of the post-war Vietnam, he received the United Nations. Photos Yakutina disclose the Soviet and Russian media.
Since 1994, Yakutin worked at the agency "Voeninform, where he was filming the official events. In addition, he was actually a personal photographer Defense Minister Igor Rodionov, Igor Sergeyev, Sergei Ivanov and Anatoly Serdyukov.
Belarusian photographer was beaten for the shooting of a fire in the police station.
According to the Gridin, he arrived to the police station burning buildings in order to cover the fire, but barely, he began taking pictures as it approached a man in civilian clothes and demanded an end to shooting. After this photo showed a man witness the Belarusian Association of Journalists, but he drew a paper from a journalist and tried to select the camera.
Gridin not intended to give the camera a few moments it came up a few more people, also in civilian clothes. They robbed the journalist camera, hit him several times and taken to the police department. Men who have not identified themselves and not told who they are, erased from the camera images Gridin fire. After that, he was released.
The incident occurred on April 16, but information about it came only a few days later - on 20 April. In connection with the incident Belarusian Association of Journalists intended to apply to the prosecutor's office Pervomaisky district with the requirement to calculate and to punish the perpetrators of attacks on journalists.
The Chinese newspaper Global Times first published in English.
Global Times newspaper, is a structural unit of People's Daily and published in 1993. The main focus of the publication - is an international life. Reported that the training run the English version of which lasted for about six months.
According to editor-in-chief Hu Sitszinya (Hu Xijin), editors will not deal only with an English translation of materials from the Chinese version of the newspaper. A newspaper has its own western correspondent network, which will be the main "supplier" stories.
 Remember, in early January 2009 it became known that to improve the international image of China's authorities intend to spend 6.6 billion U.S. dollars.
The Chinese Communist Party but said that the international "mediaprodvizhenie" China, in addition to the creation of international channels in English, Russian and Arabic, will include the withdrawal of Chinese newspapers in the English versions.
Bank spends on advertising to 50 million dollars per year.
According to Kommersant, strategic planning and purchasing of advertising for the bank will deal with agency Maxus, which has already served in the Russian market of large companies such as Wimm-Bill-Dann "," VimpelCom "(trade mark Beeline) and SABMiller. Earlier in the Savings Bank has a contract with the agency MediaVest.
The tender of the Savings Bank has become the largest among all the advertising of tenders in 2009. In 2008, the first place concern Renault-Nissan, who spent 60 million on advertising dollars.
According to the group MD MD / PHD, in 2008, advertising expenses Sberbank was 34 million dollars. This is a 46 per cent more than previously. The main rate for the Federal Savings Bank made a television - the cost of this market segment grew by two and a half times.
Recall that in a crisis, many banks not only failed to reduce advertising costs, but increased them. This enabled them to attract new customers, who in autumn 2008 began to withdraw funds from accounts, fearing for their safety. In December, the inflow of deposits in banks resumed.
In October, Bank has adopted a development strategy until 2014, which defines the need to strengthen the brand of the company. In particular, the strategy states that it is necessary to change the "inert trust our clients' positive confidence."
Sberbank - the largest financial services organizations in the country. For several indicators, including the volume of deposits, bank took more than 50 percent of the market. In a crisis of confidence among the Russian state bank has increased - Savings Bank in recent months to increase its deposits at a faster pace than the average bank.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
American Journalist planted in Iran for spying.
31-year-old Saber, a citizen of the United States and Iran, was arrested on 31 January. Iranian authorities have accused a woman in continuing cooperation with the Western media after the expiration of its license the press.
Saber, who was born and grew up in North Dakota, worked in Iran for the past six years, and its license expires in 2006. In the Islamic Republic Foreign Ministry felt that under the pretext of preparing reports Roxana Saber spied activities.
April 8, the woman had been formally charged, a trial of the journalist began behind closed doors on 13 April.
Playboy magazine called the most "funny" U.S. universities.
Universities included in the list of the magazine, showed the best performance on the following parameters: dormitories, sports, sexuality students benefit from learning. In addition, an important criterion in selecting a so-called rate of "bikini" - a set of weather conditions, the region where the university, the ratio of women and men, and the university support team.
After analyzing the above characteristics, experts considered the best university Playboy University of Miami, received the maximum number of points in terms of "bikini". Second on the list was University of Texas at Austin, where, according to the drafters of the ratings, particularly good party by a student. Closes the top three winners the University of San Diego, unofficial slogan of which the students themselves say "Learn a lot, 'torn off' even more."
The first top most "otvyaznyh" U.S. universities has been published in the pages of Playboy 20 years ago. Since then, the magazine released yet, only three of these ratings, but now, said AP, intends to do so regularly.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Journalists called the name of the detainee for the sale of heroin colleagues.
The press service of NTV Lente.Ru "this information could not confirm, however, noted that on the eve of Sarkisov not gone to work, with the TV channel contacted the woman, who presented his relative, and said that the journalist became ill. Comments on ATS 'Airport', who was called "Gazete.Ru name detainee obtain.
On the detention of chief editor of news, one of the leading Russian television it became known on 17 April. A number of media, with reference to sources in law enforcement agencies reported that during the detention of the journalist on 15 April have been found 2.5 grams of heroin, police allege that the chief-editor was trying to sell drugs. Currently, a journalist released on house arrest under a subscription, he initiated a criminal case.
Detained suspects in the attack on the media director of Saratov.
According to human rights, in an attack on Rogozhina suspected the same people who, presumably, before beating the Chairman of Saratov Center for the Protection of Consumer Rights Alexei Suslikova.
The Russian Forbes appears a site.
'In fact, properly speaking "journal site. Because he who does the site log "(newspapers, radio stations), stuck somewhere far in the past. We want to move the Forbes brand to the Internet, do a "site of Forbes" ', - writes Kashulinskiy.Po said Glavred magazine, the website will be ready by the end of 2009, above the already under way. Kashulinsky refused to answer questions users of the site whether Forbes localization in English, or will be developed from scratch.
Kashulinskogo The responses to comments on my blog are aware that the site will be posted for at least the table of contents of previous issues of the journal. As to whether the available archive material, is not yet soobschaetsya.Ezhemesyachny business magazine Forbes in 2004, produced in Russia publishing house Axel Springer Russia. Maxim Kashulinsky heads the editorial board since August 2004.
In the rating of the largest advertisers on TV followed the leader.
As noted in the message AdMonitor, Care Procter & Gamble of the leaders was due primarily to the fact that the company has reduced the volume of advertising on television holding Gazprom-Media in January and February to stop the deployment of commercials on the air, NTV, TNT, REN TV TV Center.
In the three went another chemical company in the UK - Unilever. From Russian companies the highest prize - the fifth - to take MTS, whose advertisements on television lasted a total of 3.74 thousand minutes.
In general, television has declined in the first quarter of 2009 to 8.5 per cent to 108 thousand minutes. However, most major advertisers, does not change the amount of accommodation, and some companies even increased its presence on television. Their budgets, however, not increased. This was due to discounts, in the quarter reached 20-25 percent.
It should be noted that by March the TV market began to grow after the depression is related to the economic crisis. In March, the volume of advertising increased for the first time in several months, an increase of 2.5 thousand minutes.
Previously, the general director of "Video International" Sergei Vasilyev said the Russian media that the volume of advertising in the first quarter declined by 20 percent.
Russian TV journalist arrested with heroin.
According to the source, 32-year-old journalist was detained on 15 April evening, the house number 36 on Leningradsky Prospekt. In the law enforcement agencies allege that immediately before the detention of chief editor tried to sell drugs.
Currently, a journalist released on house arrest under the subscription. Against him prosecuted. Neither the name of the suspect nor the name of the TV, where he works, are not reported.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Dmitry Medvedev has decided to communicate with Russian newspapers regularly.
A statement was made after the April 13, the head of State answered questions on the chief editor of "Novaya Gazeta" Dmitry Muratov. They talked about the development of civil society, combating corruption and improving the judicial system, explained Timakova. According to the newspaper Kommersant, Medvedev also told that he thinks about the trial of criminal cases of Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Platon Lebedev.
Interview of Dmitry Medvedev, which lasted about an hour, will be released in the "Novaya Gazeta" on 15 April.
Natalia Timakova also explained why the president chose, for the first interview is "the New newspaper". According to her, Dmitry Medvedev promised his Muratova, and one of the shareholders of the newspaper, former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, at a meeting held on 29 January, shortly after the murder in Moscow lawyer Stanislav Markelov and freelance correspondent for the publication of Anastasia Baburovoy.
Timakova not specify what the newspaper Medvedev will give the following interview, promising only that it will take place and will be "full."
Press Secretary of the Head of State also reported that Dmitry Medvedev, as promised, will meet with the editor in chief of Directorate of Information Broadcasting, NTV Tatyana Mitkovoy. April 19, the broadcast will be his interview that on the problems in housing construction.
C 15 February Medvedev meets monthly on the federal TV channels. The first interview he has given TV channel "Russia". One month later, on March 15 - "First Channel". Both interviews were mainly devoted to combat the economic crisis.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Ukrainian authorities cut off the "First Channel".
Program "First Channel" broadcast in Ukraine on a temporary authorization to broadcast, issued in November 2008. Previously, Ukrainian natssovet on TV decided to stop broadcasting of Russian TV programs such as the RTR-Planeta, Ren TV and TVC. Note that many cable operators, south-east of Ukraine refused to comply with requirement natssoveta, on and off the Russian TV channels did not.
The reason for the suspension of broadcasting in natssovete channels called gap existing in the Ukraine legislation. Officials found violations that Russian TV channels do not comply with some norms of the Ukrainian legislation concerning copyright, the adaptation of programs for the residents of Ukraine (the transfer of programs into the Ukrainian language), and advertising.
Note that not all Russian TV channels were found in Ukraine is not the relevant legislation. For example, in December 2008 endorsed the work of Ukrainian natssovet 13 Russian channels, including "Film club", "Sundress" and "My Joy."
The readers of Vanity Fair called the most beautiful women in the world.
Second place was a model Giselle Byundhen, scored nine per cent of the vote, while the third - actress Berry Helli four per cent. The remaining participants received two to three per cent of the vote.
In March 2009, Vanity Fair introduced its readers a list of 19 famous beauties, proposing to name the most attractive of them. Among the candidates for the title of the most beautiful women of the world were mostly models and actresses, as well as two First Ladies: Queen Rania of Jordan and the First Lady of France Carla Bruni.
In addition to those already mentioned women in the list of beauties, compiled by editors of American magazine, was Beyonse, Cate Blanchett, Jennifer Connelly, Penelope Cruz, Catherine Deneuve, Scarlett Johansson, Al MacPherson, Kate Moss, Gvinet Peltrou, Frida Pinto, Bar Rafael, Natalia Vodyanova, Kerry Washington and Zhang Tszyi.
Note that Angelina Jolie, which to date is the mother of six children (three native and three adopted children), during his career has led a variety of rating the most beautiful and most sexual women in the world.
Spain dramatically reducing the volume of advertising on public television.
Now the Spanish government in the channels is forbidden to show more than 10 minutes of advertising per hour. Previously, it was reported that Spain has already decided to reduce that figure to nine minutes per hour. According to the rules of the European Union, the television should not display more than 12 minutes of advertising per hour.
In Spain, two public broadcasting channels - TVE1 and TVE2. Unlike many other EU countries in Spain there is no subscription fee for TV. State television in Spain, financed by advertising and through direct assistance from the government.
According to the Association of Advertisers countries, private TV channels often violate the requirements of the EU on the limitation of advertising time per hour and 12 minutes. The same opinion and the European Commission: in 2008 it was officially warned Spain that against it may be brought charges of violations of common EU legislation on advertising.
The President of Israel has become a leading television.
According to the personal representative of President Ayelet Frish (Ayelet Frisch), the transfer will be devoted to important, according to Peres, the Israeli society topics. In particular, the first edition of the program will focus on the relationship between Arabs and Jews in Israel, as guests of the next transfer will be the young Israelis who have already achieved success in various fields.
Shimon Peres was elected president of Israel in 2007. Prior to that, he twice became prime minister and held numerous other leadership positions in the government of Israel. As Foreign Minister in 1994, Perez received together with the then prime minister Yitzhak Rabin and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's Nobel Peace Prize for efforts to achieve peace between the two peoples.
Despite the age, but Perez has 85 years of age, he continues to be interested in technical innovations in the field of communications. For example, the president brought their own blog page and in the social network Facebook. In addition, Perez is known as an active supporter of research in the field of nanotechnology and the use of vehicles operating on electricity.
Astrakhan newspaper were charged with defamation of the State Duma deputy.
As stated in the message, "the Tribunal" has published two materials with a view to defame Sheina. In the first case of the article, in which MPs are accused of charges of Astrakhan entrepreneurs: alleged in February 2009, brought with them six million rubles. The material was allegedly on the site Sheina, was signed as a businessman Saitova. It is submitted that the investigating authorities could not find in the Astrakhan region, a businessman with the surname.
The second publication of the Tribunal ", attracted the attention of the prosecutor's office, was signed by the name of the Sheina, and allegedly at the MP, provided a" direct insult against DA Medvedev. "The essence of provocation was simple: send gazetku to Moscow and set against Oleg central authority" - the report says.
In conclusion on the website states that "the Tribunal" does not have a permanent editor, and funded, presumably, the mayor of Astrakhan, edinorosom Sergei Bozhenovym.
"Interfax" referring to the Astrakhan region prosecutor's office said that the two cases against the newspaper "the Tribunal" filed under Article 129 of the Criminal Code (libel).
State Duma deputy Shein - born in Astrakhan, is currently the leader of the Astrakhan branch of the "Fair Russia". Media messages appear that Shein intends to nominate its candidate for Mayor of Astrakhan elections scheduled for October 2009.