Monday, April 13, 2009

RBC promised within a month to negotiate with creditors.

RBC intends within 30 days to negotiate with creditors to restructure debt, transfers RIA Novosti with reference to the words of Chairman of the Board of Directors of the holding company of German Kaplun.
Holders of RBC is also considering offers from investors, and noted that the proposals received not only from the group Oneksim "Mikhail Prokhorov and the holding company Interros, Vladimir Potanin. "Oneksim" willing to pay 35 million dollars for a 65 percent increase of the authorized capital of the holding, while the scheme of "Interros" means an investment of $ 90 million dollars.
Debts from the RBC, the general obligations which in January were estimated at 235 million dollars, require multiple banks. Bank of Moscow, that RBC should be about 17 million dollars, has already made the arrest of the Cypriot holding company assets. However, according to Kaplun, this is just a protective measure that is unlikely to help the bank make any preference in the liquidation of debts. In addition to the Bank of Moscow's claims to the RBC has filed several more banks.
Capitalizing on the court holding RBC RTNs April 13 was about 70 million dollars. Holding, whose debt is several times higher since January trying to persuade creditors to write off the debt and reschedule the remainder. It also reduces costs, uvolnyaya staff and selling assets.

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