Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Vorkuta expelled from the Spanish television.

Three Spanish television journalists have been expelled from Vorkuta on 21 April, the portal KomiOnlayn "with reference to the chief of the territorial department of the Republican MBF Igor Shkurat.
According to Shkurat expelled journalists filmed in a documentary about Vorkuta gulag and Stalin's repressions to a Spanish TV channels. In doing so, they go to Russia on tourist visas and had no right to engage in professional activities in the country.
Spaniards took the interviews with the residents of Vorkuta, photographed views of the city and gather information on the gulag. Journalists were taken to a local ATM and after a protocol on administrative violation seated on the train to Moscow.
In the late 1930's - early 1950's were located in the Komi several major re-education camps, including Vorkuta ITL (Vorkutlag).

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