Friday, April 24, 2009

Popular American TV host Jay Leno has got to the hospital.

The popular American comedian Jay Leno has got to the hospital, the Associated Press. Work on the next issue of "The Tonight Show", which leads to Channel Leno NBC, suspended.

The health status of Jay Leno, told a press agent Comedy, worsened on Thursday afternoon, when he was at NBC studios in California. Leno was taken to a local hospital.

Press agent comedian said that the health of Leno does not cause fear among doctors. It was expected that Leno will leave the hospital at the end of this week and on Monday, April 27, will return to work. What compelled Leno to see a doctor, its representative for relations with the press refused to report.

In March 2009, the guest of "The Tonight Show" was Barack Obama, who, according to the guide NBC, the first acting President of the United States who took part in such an entertaining program. Prior to Obama in "The Tonight Show" there was his rival in the struggle for the post of U.S. president - John McCain.

May 29, 2009 broadcast due to be the latest release of "The Tonight Show", which will be Jay Leno. Comedy, which is leading this program in 1992, after leaving "The Tonight Show" will continue to work for NBC.

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