Thursday, April 30, 2009

Prosecutor General has declared the main enemy of the Ukrainian press.

The main "enemy of the press" in Ukraine in 2008, according to the Institute's media and the independent Kiev mediaprofsoyuza became Prosecutor General Alexander Medvedko. Reported on Thursday, April 30.
Prosecutor General has succeeded in the first line antireytinga the mayor of Kiev Leonid Chernovetsky, which in 2008 ranked fourth.
According to the Institute, journalists Medvedko criticized the lack of progress in investigating the case of Georgy Gongadze. "No new information on the organizers and sponsors of crimes in the past year, did not appear," - said the drafters of the antireytinga. They also noted that the prosecutor's office did not respond to resonant crimes against journalists, but also ignored the armed seizure of TRC Crimea Crimean deputies who tried to interrupt the program of NATO.
Second place Interior Minister Yuriy Lutsenko, who, according to the authors of the study, in 2008, interferes with the channel 1 +1, and let the beating by police photographers during a protest against illegal construction in Kiev.
At the third Institute of Mass Media and mediaprofsoyuz nominated media owners, who, according to the authors of the project, in violation of labor rights of journalists, groundlessly dismissed employees, as well as pay salaries in envelopes.
The mayor of Kiev Leonid Chernovetsky ranked fourth in the ranking. He was accused of concealing information from journalists about the work of the municipality and Kyiv, as well as the conflict between the press-service, and journalist Sergei Andrushko who tried to ask a question of Kyiv mayor.
As the, Ukrainian antireyting "Enemies of Press Institute of Mass Media and the Independent mediaprofsoyuz Ukraine declared for the third time. The list compiled in accordance with the monitoring of violations of journalists' rights and the findings of 50 independent media experts and senior journalists in Kyiv and the regions of Ukraine.

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