Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Ukrainian authorities cut off the "First Channel".

The National Council on Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine has decided to turn off in the country broadcasting of Russian TV First Channel. Global network. "The official reason for this decision has been described as" failure to comply with a range of actions to adapt programs and transfers to the current Ukrainian legislation. " A decree published on the official site natssoveta.
Program "First Channel" broadcast in Ukraine on a temporary authorization to broadcast, issued in November 2008. Previously, Ukrainian natssovet on TV decided to stop broadcasting of Russian TV programs such as the RTR-Planeta, Ren TV and TVC. Note that many cable operators, south-east of Ukraine refused to comply with requirement natssoveta, on and off the Russian TV channels did not.
The reason for the suspension of broadcasting in natssovete channels called gap existing in the Ukraine legislation. Officials found violations that Russian TV channels do not comply with some norms of the Ukrainian legislation concerning copyright, the adaptation of programs for the residents of Ukraine (the transfer of programs into the Ukrainian language), and advertising.
Note that not all Russian TV channels were found in Ukraine is not the relevant legislation. For example, in December 2008 endorsed the work of Ukrainian natssovet 13 Russian channels, including "Film club", "Sundress" and "My Joy."

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