Tuesday, April 14, 2009

From the U.S. Navy operations against the pirates do reality shows.

American cable channel Spike TV has agreed with the Pentagon to shoot a pilot series of reality shows about the military operation against the pirates U.S. Navy in the Gulf of Aden.
As can be seen from the message posted on the official site of Spike TV, shooting reality show called "Hunters for the pirates: U.S. Navy" (Pirate Hunters: USN) will be held at the landing ship "San Antonio" (USS San Antonio) and Boxer "(USS Boxer), patrolling the Gulf of Aden. At the film will show not only possible, fighting against pirates, but the U.S. military and everyday life, notice the creators of the project.
The pilot series of the show on the U.S. military action against Somali pirates appear on TV later this year, said Agence France-Presse. The duration of the series will be one hour.
Note the beginning of filming "Hunters in the pirates' followed after the U.S. military conducted a successful operation against a group of pirates attacked container" Maersk Alabama, and seized the master of the ship Richard Filippsa. As a result, the power operation, recall the three pirates were killed, and Captain container was released.

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