Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Bashkir newspaper suspected of extremism.

   Prosecutor's office suspected of extremism Bashkir newspaper Maidan. This was reported at the site office.
Prosecutor Bashkiria Hurtin sent Sergei Kirov District Court in a statement to recognize one of the extremist January numbers Maidan. Experts prosecutors have determined that this issue contains material which refers to the inevitability and desirability of the revolutionary "liberation" of Russia Bashkiria. In addition, in the newspaper, how to set the Public Prosecutor's Office, says of the superiority of people of nationality and religion (Islam).
According to the publication of "Islam.ru" at the end of March, in Bashkortostan, was detained the leader of the opposition movement Nation of Islam "Airat Dilmuhametov (later he was placed under house arrest). Dilmuhametova charged with the publication of calls to extremism. In November 2008, in "Square" were printed oppositionist article, which refers to the need for the Islamic Revolution in Bashkiria. Earlier Dilmuhametov has twice been found guilty of publishing extremist materials. He received the conditional period of time.

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