Saturday, April 18, 2009

Playboy magazine called the most "funny" U.S. universities.

The American men's magazine Playboy has published a top U.S. institution with the student's busy life, transmits Associated Press. Full ranking is available on the website edition.
Universities included in the list of the magazine, showed the best performance on the following parameters: dormitories, sports, sexuality students benefit from learning. In addition, an important criterion in selecting a so-called rate of "bikini" - a set of weather conditions, the region where the university, the ratio of women and men, and the university support team.
After analyzing the above characteristics, experts considered the best university Playboy University of Miami, received the maximum number of points in terms of "bikini". Second on the list was University of Texas at Austin, where, according to the drafters of the ratings, particularly good party by a student. Closes the top three winners the University of San Diego, unofficial slogan of which the students themselves say "Learn a lot, 'torn off' even more."
The first top most "otvyaznyh" U.S. universities has been published in the pages of Playboy 20 years ago. Since then, the magazine released yet, only three of these ratings, but now, said AP, intends to do so regularly.

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