Tuesday, April 14, 2009

In Makhachkala burned editors of opposition newspapers.

In the wording of Dagestan opposition weekly "Free Republic" fire. This is the night on Tuesday said, "Echo of Moscow".
According to the fire began about 22:00 Moscow time in the three-storey building on the street in Makhachkala Akushinskogo. Premises rented weekly, located on the third floor, which was completely burnt by fire.
Reported that at the time of fire edition was closed, but in the staff of other organizations. About the victims of the fire were reported.
In the weekly "Free Republic" is one of the largest publications of Dagestan, printed materials on the social and political issues, stated in the information portal newspapers. "Free Republic" known critical publications on local authorities and is in Dagestan reputatsiiyu opposition publications, said, "Echo of Moscow".

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