Thursday, April 23, 2009

Kazakhstan has arrested the chief editor of opposition newspaper.

Kazakhstan has arrested the chief editor of opposition newspaper, reported "Interfax" on Thursday, April 23.
Ermurat Bapi, editor in chief "Taszhargan" arrested for five days at the request of city prosecutor's office of Almaty. Such a decision rendered a special administrative court (FTA), Alma-Ata. Reported that the journalist was arrested in the courtroom.
The grounds for administrative detention Ermurata Bapi has been the failure of previous judicial decisions, according to which newspaper Taszhargan "should pay MPs Kazakhstan Romina Madinovu 30 million tenge (about 200 thousand U.S. dollars) as compensation for moral harm.
Member of Madinah was offended that one of the publication of his newspaper called latifundistom. Initially, the MP called for 300 million tenge, but during the court proceedings had been compromised.
Remember, in early March 2009 in Alma-Ata in front of City Court held a picket in support of "Taszhargan", which was attended by about two hundred people.
On Thursday, April 23, Kazakhstan Pozitsiya.SU online edition reported that the wording of the newspaper Taszhargan "suspended its activities in protest against the arbitrariness of the authorities." Also reported that the newspaper published since 1998.

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