Thursday, April 9, 2009

British Christians outraged children's comic strip about the hijab.

Sponsored by the Government of British children's magazine made the Christian community. The faithful believe that in a comic magazine for a decade Klic!, In which the child is frightened girl Muslim exposes Christians, Islamophobia, and that the Journal may file a wrong signal to children living in adult society. That was reported by The Daily Mail.
Perturbation caused a public available in the latest issue of the journal Klic! (Kids Living in Care - "Children of the care"), a comic that tells the readers about the reasons why Muslim women wear the hijab. Cartoon depicts a boy with a cross worn next to the skin, frightened smiling girls wearing head scarves - in his view, such a vestment girl like terrorist. When asked the child what you pryachesh under their turbans? ", And explains that the shawl on her head is part of its religious attributes, as well as, for example, a cross worn next to the skin.
According to several members of the public, children, Christians will not be pleased when they saw this comic, argues The Daily Mail. Evangelist Mike Dzhudzh of the charity "Christian society" told that story, told in comics - it was "clumsy caricature, a symptom of a culture, intimidate Christians in the name of multiculturalism." Member of British Parliament from the Conservatives, Philip Hollobon noted that he could not imagine the magazine, in which children have changed roles, and poorly led to a Muslim girl. Former Head of Commission on Human Rights and the International Department of the Conservative Party, Tory MP Gary Streeter said that the magazine should be withdrawn with stalls, if it indeed takes part financing the state.
At the same time, the executive director of manufacturing magazine Klic! Charitable Foundation The Who Cares? Trust Natasha Finlayson stated that he would not withdraw from the sale of the magazine. In her view, the cross stands in the comics is not the boy's religious affiliation, and is used as an ornament. Natasha stated that she is a Christian, and did not see in comics, no offensive connotations.
This year, The Who Cares? Trust has received from the government 80 thousand pounds sterling in 2008 and 2007 State prosponsirovalo fund for 200 thousand pounds sterling.

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