Monday, April 20, 2009

Bank spends on advertising to 50 million dollars per year.

Savings Bank over the next 12 months, half will increase their spending on advertising and bring them to about $ 50 million. This writes the newspaper Kommersant. Increased advertising budget will allow Sberbank to enter the twenty largest advertisers country.
According to Kommersant, strategic planning and purchasing of advertising for the bank will deal with agency Maxus, which has already served in the Russian market of large companies such as Wimm-Bill-Dann "," VimpelCom "(trade mark Beeline) and SABMiller. Earlier in the Savings Bank has a contract with the agency MediaVest.
The tender of the Savings Bank has become the largest among all the advertising of tenders in 2009. In 2008, the first place concern Renault-Nissan, who spent 60 million on advertising dollars.
According to the group MD MD / PHD, in 2008, advertising expenses Sberbank was 34 million dollars. This is a 46 per cent more than previously. The main rate for the Federal Savings Bank made a television - the cost of this market segment grew by two and a half times.
Recall that in a crisis, many banks not only failed to reduce advertising costs, but increased them. This enabled them to attract new customers, who in autumn 2008 began to withdraw funds from accounts, fearing for their safety. In December, the inflow of deposits in banks resumed.
In October, Bank has adopted a development strategy until 2014, which defines the need to strengthen the brand of the company. In particular, the strategy states that it is necessary to change the "inert trust our clients' positive confidence."
Sberbank - the largest financial services organizations in the country. For several indicators, including the volume of deposits, bank took more than 50 percent of the market. In a crisis of confidence among the Russian state bank has increased - Savings Bank in recent months to increase its deposits at a faster pace than the average bank.

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