Friday, April 10, 2009

The new issue of the journal "Ogonek" will be released in mid-May.

KommentariiEsche not ugolek07.04.2009Perezapusk the magazine Ogonyok "Basmannyj court will consider in Moscow
Chief editor of "lights" Victor Loshak said on Thursday, April 9, on the radio "Echo of Moscow" that the first issue of the journal will be updated in mid-May 2009.
"The number will be either May 11 or May 18. This is a matter purely of Technology" - explained Loshak.
Issue oldest Russian magazine "Ogonyok" was suspended in January 2009 due to restructuring of the publishing house and a change of ownership. In March 2009, it became known that the journal will publish "Kommersant.
Victor Loshak broadcast "Echo" also commented on the recent scandal of the treatment team with an open ID "Ogonek" media to Russia with a request to draw attention to the plight of the magazine.
The appeal, published on Monday, April 6, at the portal Media Guide reported that most employees do not receive salaries magazine for November-December 2008, and therefore were forced to submit to Moscow Basmannyj court proceedings to recover the debt. The first hearing, appointed on 13 April 2009.
" previously found that the so-called" collective treatment "staff" lights "was written by several staff members dismissed the advertising department publications, and has nothing to do with journalistic team. Furthermore, treatment on behalf of the employees "lights" was posted on the Portal Media Guide anonymously.
Victor Loshak in an interview with radio station confirmed that the appeal was compiled disbanded advertising service "lights" and expressed bewilderment at the fact, "what information a wave rose because of a anonimki.
Also Glavred "lights" promised compensation for non-subscribers with the January 2009 issue of the journal.

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