Friday, April 24, 2009

Son Tuvinian senator headed the newspaper France-Soir.

French tabloid France-Soir was headed by Alexander Pugachev, bought in January 2009, a controlling stake in this edition, reports AFP. Pugachova candidature for the post of director on Thursday, April 23, was approved at the shareholders meeting, said in a statement distributed by France-Soir.

It was expected that in the near future will be decided on the formation of the Supervisory Board of France-Soir, in which will Bryunua Jean-Pierre (Jean-Pierre Brunois) - former owner of a controlling block of the newspaper.

Company Sablon International, owned by Alexander Pugachev, the youngest son of the Senator from Tuva Sergei Pugachev, in early 2009 to gain control over 85 percent of shares in France-Soir.
Another 15 percent of shares owned by developers, Jean-Pierre Bryunua in 2006 kupivshemu newspaper that was on the brink of bankruptcy. If in 1955, France-Soir published a circulation of 1.5 million copies in 2005, newspaper circulation is not more than 50 thousand copies.

Bryunua decided to turn to France-Soir tabloid, but this step was not able to prevent a further decline in circulation. At the end of 2008, reports RIA Novosti, France-Soir published a circulation of 23 thousand copies.

The controlling France-Soir in 2006, tried to acquire Russian Arkady Gaidamak. However, when preference was given to plan the publication of the crisis, the proposed Bryunua and journalist Reem Olivier (Olivier Rey).

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