Thursday, April 23, 2009

The groom was condemned in Iran journalist made his open letter.

KommentariiMezhdu Barak and Mahmudom20.04.2009Zhurnalistka Roxana Saber gave the United States and Iran to a new occasion to clarify the relationship
   Iranian Kurdish director Bahman Ghobadi made an open letter in defense of his bride - an American journalist Roxana Saber, which is an Iranian court sentenced him to eight years in prison for spying for the United States. On this April 22, reports Associated Press.
A letter circulated through the human rights organizations. In his message, Ghobadi called on all politicians and public figures to "do something" for the release of Saber. The director claims that his bride was not spy. According to him, Saber ever worked exclusively journalistic and literary work.
The director argues that Saber was going to go long in the United States from Iran, but left because it fell in love with him. He asked her to wait for the end of the work on his new movie, and then deal with the move.
According Ghobadi, he fears for the health of the bride. He learned that in prison she is depressed and crying constantly.
Roxana Saber was born in the United States in the Japanese family and the Iranians. In 2003, Saber arrived in Iran and began a journalistic career. Soon, the authorities revoked the accreditation of its journalists. Instead, BBC News journalist documents issued freelance correspondent. In 2006, these documents have also been canceled. Until now, Saber, which has dual U.S. and Iranian citizenship, remained in Iran, occasionally making reports and working on a book publicist.
In January 2009, Saber was arrested. First, it was accused of buying alcohol at a later date - to work without accreditation, and then - of espionage. U.S. authorities have demanded the release of Saber, but in April it was sentenced to eight years in prison. In response to outrage the U.S. Iran has asked Americans not to interfere in the internal affairs of the country.

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