KommentariiUkropnaya revolyutsiya08.04.2009Besporyadki Moldova eyes blogerovSyuzhetyAntipravitelstvennye performance in Chisinau Moldavii12.04.2009V died one of the participants pogromovMoldavskaya journalist Natalia Morar is one of the organizers of the opposition protests in Chisinau, has decided to suspend cooperation with the magazine The New Times. A journalist wrote a letter addressed to Glavred magazine Yevgenia Albats. In a letter Morar stated, inter alia, that her citizenship did not allow her to remain indifferent to developments in the country, and now with the ethics of the profession, it can not be a journalist in Moldova.
Morar letter was published in the publication of The New Times of 13 April 2009; appeal to Albats was dated April 8. Yevgenia Albats in his column in the same issue of the magazine wrote that "took note" of the statement Morar, however, explained that The New Times "retains its (journalist), all of its other financial and other obligations." In the output data of the number of The New Times Morar were still in the state. In the blog Natalya Morar on the suspension of cooperation with the log information is not available.
In its submission to The New Times, on events in Moldova, Morar writes that could not participate in the developments in the country. Also, she once again stressed that it was among the organizers of a peaceful protest on 6 April, but later started to riot is not relevant.
It should be noted that shortly after the events in Chisinau editor policy magazine The New Times Ilya Barabanov, who is the supervisor Morar, broadcast Radio Liberty suggested that the journalist had exceeded its powers. Barabanov explained that the decision as to whether Morar violated the ethics of journalists through their actions will be taken later. In turn, Glavred The New Times Yevgenia Albats broadcast "Echo of Moscow on 12 April stated:" ... When Morar in Moldova has become the organizer of the rally, it ceases to be a journalist and became a politician. "
In the first days after the riots on 7 April in the media have reported that Natalia Morar was arrested by Moldovan authorities and that she was charged with organizing the riots. Subsequently, this information refuted: it turned out that the Moldovan police arrested a journalist odnofamilitsu.
The massive interventions in Kishinev started on 6 April, the day after the parliamentary elections, in which the Communists won. Dissatisfied with their defeat of the opposition brought to the center of the city on their own calculations, 15 thousand people. April 7 demonstration continued, but during the protests began rioting and clashes with police. The rioters smashed, looted and burned houses of parliament and the presidential administration. Damage was estimated at 30 million dollars.
The number of wounded in the massive interventions is estimated at several hundred people. One opposition party, died of speeches - on the official version of the poison gas that was used against the rioters.
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