Saturday, April 25, 2009

Iranian journalist convicted in a hunger strike.

KommentariiMezhdu Barak and Mahmudom20.04.2009Zhurnalistka Roxana Saber gave the United States and Iran, a new reason to find out otnosheniyaOsuzhdennaya in Iran journalist Roxana Saber declared a hunger strike, reports AFP referring to the words of her father. Saber does not eat is already past five days.
Recall Roxana Saber was arrested in Iran in January 2009 on charges of buying alcohol. She was later charged with the work without accreditation, and then - of spying for the United States. In April 2009, Saber was sentenced to eight years in prison.
As explained AFP, 25 April this year, counsel to the court reporter filed the appeal.
Saber was born in the United States in the Japanese family and the Iranians. In 2003, she traveled to Iran and began a journalistic career. Soon, the Iranian authorities revoked its accreditation, after which BBC News has issued its document freelance correspondent. In 2006, these documents have also been canceled.

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