Monday, April 20, 2009

In Estonia, the Russian-language newspapers have stopped production.

Published by the Estonian Russian-language newspaper "News of the day decided to suspend its production because of the difficult financial situation. As one of the reasons Elmar Sepp, Member of the Jury Fund Vilmsa, publishes a newspaper, called the sharp drop in the advertising market, said in his address on the website edition.
"The suspension made on the basis of our desire not to increase the debt load fund to the state and workers," - said Sepp. "The Board does not believe in the rapid growth of the advertising market and mitigate the economic crisis in the Republic of Estonia", - added the representative of the publisher.
Sepp also noted that the Foundation and its publications have become the object of political attacks and attack the press, "and recalled that" in recent months, criminal proceedings were instituted against the fund, which complicated the rhythm of daily work. "
At the end of February 2009 edition of "West of the day" was searched. The prosecutor's office said that investigations have been conducted within the framework of criminal proceedings related to bribery in the administration of Tallinn. Also, it was reported that in this case, was detained by a deputy of Tallinn town meeting Elmar Sepp.
Estonian media wrote that the fund Jüri Vilmsa suspected of illegal activities by means of a centrist party in Estonia, which is chaired by the Mayor of Tallinn Edgar Savisaar. However, editor-in-chief Alexander Chapligin believes that the authorities unhappy mood opposition publications.

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