Friday, April 10, 2009

Yabloko will resume investigating the death of Yuri Schekochihina.

SyuzhetyRassledovanie death into the death of Yuri Schekochihina04.04.2008Po Schekochihina criminal deloKollegi deceased journalist "Novaya Gazeta" Yuri Schekochihina and his supporters from the party Yabloko will resume the investigation into his death, said "Interfax" party leader Sergei Mitrokhin. Friends Schekochihina find persuasive evidence and evidence that the death of a journalist and the deputy of the Duma is a crime.
According to Mitrokhin, "it is quite obvious" that Schekochihin died as a result of poisoning, Interfax reports. This refers to the Mitrokhin examination unnamed British experts.
Earlier in the Investigations Committee of the Public Ministry of the Russian Federation explained that according to the experts, the cause of death of Yuri Schekochihina a worsening of his illness - Layella syndrome. "Thus, the signs of poisoning, injury, pointing to the violent nature of death is not detected," - quotes the message of "Interfax".
In turn, the chief-editor of "Novaya Gazeta" Sergei Sokolov, commenting on the decision of the UPC, told Interfax that a lot of indirect signs of poisoning, but they do not allow to make clear the legal conclusions.
State Duma deputy Yury Schekochihin known for a series of high profile investigative journalism relating to, inter alia, the smuggling of furniture, which then came to the realization in Moscow's shopping malls, died on 3 July 2003 in the revival of the Central Clinical Hospital. The cause of death was listed allergic syndrome.
Schekochihin - not only killed the journalist "Novaya Gazeta". The death of Igor Domnikova in 2000 was identified by police as a suicide, but his colleagues claimed that he was killed. 7 October 2006 was killed by columnist Anna Politkovskaya. January 19, 2009 was shot dead a freelance journalist Anastasia Baburova.

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