Friday, May 1, 2009

Journalists accused of inventing Jack Potroshitelya.

The offender, who killed five women in 1888 in the London area Uaytchepel and received the nickname Jack Potroshitel, in fact, never existed: it invented the journalists following the investigation of crimes. This hypothesis put forward the British historian Andrew Cook (Andrew Cook). His research writes newspaper The Times.
Cook was convinced that the killers were a few. It relies on the testimony of a police doctor Percy Clark, inspect all the victims of the offender. Clarke believed that three of the five women were killed by one man, but two others died at the hands of other people. Thomas Arnold, a senior police inspector involved in the case of the killing in Uaytchepele, after his resignation is also accepted that at least one woman was killed by another person.
According to Andrew Cook, the hypothesis of a single murderer has been the most profitable publishers in London newspaper The Star, which is enriched in the publications on the investigation of crimes uaytchepelskih. Thus, by September 1888, when details of the second victim - Annie Chapman, the daily newspaper circulation reached 232 thousand copies. Soon, the police arrested the prime suspect in the murder - a local cobbler, and readers have lost interest in the newspaper. This is when journalists The Star give the police the first of the messages allegedly written by a murderer who called himself Jack Potroshitelem. Cook obtained the opinion of the competent graphologist named Elaine Kuigli (Elaine Quigley), who argues that the handwriting of the author of the letter coincides with the handwriting of Frederick Best, a The Star.

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