Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Ukrainian teleregulyator left without a leader.

The head of the National Council on Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine Vitaliy Shevchenko April 8 announced the resignation, the RBC-Ukraine.
But he refused to explain the reasons for its actions, but the press service Natssoveta his departure had already called the "emotional" decision.
Previously, the Verkhovna Rada was unable to overcome the presidential veto on the law of Natssovete that the president be removed from the formation of the governing structures of the organization.
According to Ukrainian laws, Natssovet - is constitutional, a permanent collegial body. The purpose of its activities - supervision of compliance with the laws of the country in the field of broadcasting.
Recall that last year the structure was in the center of the scandal, prohibiting operators of cable television rebroadcast some Russian Ukrainian TV channels, on the grounds that they were "not adapted" to the Ukrainian laws.
After a certain broadcaster with the support of a number of Oblast Council and the courts refused to withdraw from its software packages, Russian TV channels, Natssovet came with them in a protracted conflict.
Mitigate the consequences of this decision Natssoveta succeeded only after some Russian TV channels have been found adapted.

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