Thursday, June 4, 2009

Angelina Jolie is recognized the most influential celebrities.

Actress Angelina Jolie headed the list of one hundred most influential celebrities, compiled by the magazine Forbes. The list was published on the journal website on 3 May.
Jolie moved to first place in the second two years in a row to lead in the rating of the American TV Opru Uinfri. Spouse Jolie actor Brad Pitt on the list was at the ninth spot.
In addition, the top ten list included such celebrities as Madonna, the singer Beyonse Knowles, golfers Tiger Woods, musician Bruce Springstin, director Steven Spielberg, actress Jennifer Eniston, as well as basketball player Kobie Bryant.
It should be noted that Jolie leading the list on the sum of the basic parameters, while not first in any of the categories. Revenue for the year (27 million dollars), for example, it takes only 60 th place, a leader in this parameter is Uinfri, earned 275 million - 105 more than being in second place, George Lucas.
Rating the impact of celebrities is calculated based on the number of mentions in the media, on TV, getting on the covers of magazines and other similar achievements, as well as annual income. Note that Barack Obama - the first president, became the top stars Forbes, took the list, only 49 seats, although the references to the TV, the media and the internet is an absolute leader.

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