Monday, June 1, 2009

The court banned publication of pictures of naked guests Berlusconi.

Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi has made an injunction on publication of photos of guests who attended his villa "Sertosa in Sardinia. This writes British The Times on Monday, 1 June.
Among the photos, according to the publication, there are many pictures of girls in a bikini or even naked. There are also photographs of 18-year-old Noemi Leticia, which was in early May 2009 caused the statements wife Veronica Lario premiere on the upcoming divorce. Lario then stated that he could not live with a man who is "confused with minors" (Leticia had not yet turned 18 years old at the time of filming).
Approximately three hundred photographs were made by paparazzi Dzappadu Antonello (Antonello Zappadu) in the period from 2007 to 2008. Berlusconi's lawyers said in court that Dzappadu "grossly invaded others' privacy." According to the premiere of the legal profession, the photographer sold these pictures for newspapers, 1.5 million euros. As a result, pursuant to a court order the police seized the disc from the paparazzi photos and banned their publication in the press.
Antonello Dzappadu told the media that all of the images can be divided into three categories. First, the little-known photographs of the general public visitors Sertosy "so paparazzi did their faces to disguise pictures allegedly Dzappadu," out of respect for their privacy. " In the second category - shots of guests, who arrives at Berlusconi's villa on military aircraft in the third - photos of girls and the guests in the style of "nude".
Berlusconi, commenting on the situation, said that the photographs show people "in a totally intimate moments, which are not contrary to law." In turn, Berlusconi's lawyer Nicolo Gedini (Nicolo Ghedini) announced the publication of Corriere della Sera, that among the images was a photo of naked Czech Premier Mirek Topolanek. Antonello Dzappadu photographed Topolanek, as he sunbathed in the garden "Sertosy" in May 2008.
Regarding the alleged links between Berlusconi and Noemi Leticia, which is now thriving under discussion in Italy, then The Times reflects the opinions of former boyfriend girls Flaminio Gino (Gino Flaminio). According to Flaminio, he does not believe that between Berlusconi and Letizia have sexual relations.
Earlier, Bloomberg said Berlusconi, referring to the same subject, said May 28, 2009: "I swear by their children, that I did not have any novel with this girl."
As noted by The Times, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Italy Franco Frattini (Franco Frattini) said that the Italian laws on sex with people older than 14 years is not a crime. However, Fratinni believes that the rumors of romance between the 72-year-old Berlusconi and Letizia "totally unreliable".

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