Monday, June 8, 2009

Special services will be fought with the terrorists on TV.

Russian special services have developed the concept of prevention and fight against terrorism with the help of television, the "Moskovsky Komsomolets."

In a publication of the document was "Requirements for the provision of services for the state needs to create a series of specialized television programs on the prevention of terrorism and countering the ideology of terrorism."

Proposed using the television program "to establish the audience immunity" to attempts to engage in terrorist activities, but also to show all the hopelessness of violence to achieve any goals.

For this proposed, with specific examples to show viewers all the inevitability of punishment for terrorism, to expose a "terrorist-hero", while creating a positive image of law enforcement officers engaged in combating terror.

The authors of the document, which cites "Moscow Komsomolets", also highlighted the social sectors, the most sensitive, in their view, to promote terrorism. This, of course, youth, representatives of disadvantaged populations, as well as (or including) the creative intelligentsia.

To avert all these acts of terror, the drafters of the "requirements" have found it useful to refer to the authoritative representatives of culture and art, a talented pop singers and actors, that they made the necessary explanations.

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