Thursday, June 4, 2009

Chinese police attacked a CNN camera open umbrellas.

American television company CNN 4 June, 2009, the day of the 20 th anniversary of the crackdown of student demonstrations in Beijing's Tiananmen Square, the police and people in civilian clothes "conduct prevented filming in the area, closing the camera lens open umbrellas.
On the CNN video shows how the operator and the correspondent, trying to withdraw the report at Tiananmen, the Chinese have with open umbrellas, aimed at the camera lens. CNN correspondent explains the audience that it is disguised in civilian special agents, and as "evidence" shows on their radios, with which the Chinese are coordinating their actions.
In turn, AFP reports that on June 4 throughout China the authorities have taken measures to prevent increased any disorder related to events 20 years ago.
According to the agency, authorities Zhejiang Province issued an order pursuant to which all citizens are obliged to show increased vigilance and to inform police of any "suspicious persons" plotting against the organization.
On 4 June 1989, the Chinese military, using tanks, broke up a peaceful student demonstration in Tiananmen Square. According to official figures, killed 241 people. Human rights activists say that this figure is understated in a few dozen times.

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