Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The policemen told the "big city" of the crimes of their colleagues.

Magazine "Big City" has prepared a special issue entirely devoted to the work of lower-level police officers in Moscow. In the number that appears in the sale and on the website "BG" June 3, includes interviews with seven police officers, each of whom told the journalists about violations and malfeasance regularly by members of the MIA in the course of their daily performance. Since the contents of the new numbers "Big City" "" refer to the editorial board.
Six of the seven police officers were asked to "Big City" did not disclose their names and locations. Police officers interviewed by journalists from different departments and divisions: from DPS and the Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow Region Moscow subway system and to the Personnel Office inquiry into unnamed parts of the metropolitan police.
According to discussions with journalists, staff of the Interior Ministry, most of the violations attributed to the low official incomes of ordinary policemen and corruption of their superiors. The two "big city" was told that the Ministry of Internal Affairs officers often deal with various kinds of illegal fees from citizens: from kryshevaniya "prostitutes and small businesses to wrongful detentions hurrying on train arrivals and pickpocketing have zasnuvshih in the subway passengers.
The policemen were also specific examples of the performance of the illegal practices described ways of improving the performance of the official Ministry of Interior staff, in particular on how different departments are buying each other's criminal case or a liability for outstanding crimes attributed to visitors and just legally illiterate people. "Well, if you uesbeshnik, you can milk themselves militiamen already on another level: we have for them is the same as the Tajiks to us" - said in an interview with "big city" George W., Major administration in the Moscow metro police officers from 14-year-old experience.
Two editions of the interlocutors stated that in determining the amount of bribes required to claim the detained policemen to have no legal effect, employees are guided by the MUP informal rule: "Good police officers, it is important that people went away from it happy."
Furthermore, in an interview with "big city" police officers complained of poor living conditions of nonresident employees GUVD capital, shortage of personnel and the low moral standard of many of its employees. For example, Sergey V., captain of the police department vnevedomstvennoy protection from 14 years of service, described the situation this way: "In fact, I believe that people should know what is happening in the police ... We are not beasts, we are forced to be such. For others, we do not need the State. "
Recall that after the former head of ATS Tsaritsyno Denis Evsyukov made a slaughter in the metropolitan supermarket "The Island" and thereupon the President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev has dismissed from his post of head of the Moscow Municipal Department of Internal Affairs Vladimir Pronin, in the Russian press has become more critical nature of communication, a negative value state of affairs in the internal affairs bodies.

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