Sunday, December 28, 2008

Ahmadinejad congratulate Britons with Christmas.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will make a Christmas message to British viewers, the TV Channel 4, which will air in greeting the Iranian leader.
Channel 4 every year for 15 years broadcast alternative treatment to the nation. However, the Brits have traditionally congratulate Queen Elizabeth II.
In a communication channel on the site indicates that the choice fell on Ahmadinejad, as in 2009, relations between Iran and the West will become a major world order.
Director of Channel 4 news Dorothy Byrne noted that with the turning point in international relations, the channel will introduce the audience with an alternative viewpoint.
According to the Associated Press, Iran's president will focus on relations in modern society - Ahmadinejad would note that if Jesus were alive, he would have fought for change in world economic and political system.

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