Sunday, January 18, 2009

Al Jazeera has launched a TV channel for preschoolers.

Katarskaya television station Al-Jazeera announced the launch of TV channel for preschoolers called "bar", reported AFP. In various sources there are different versions of translation of the name of TV - from "Friends" to "Raspuskayuschiysya flower."
According to the agency, "bar" has begun work on Friday, January 16, 2009. In the TV schedule includes programs aimed at viewers aged three to six years. About 15 percent of programs will be broadcast by the channel itself, the remaining 85 percent will be bought from other broadcasters.
It should be noted that Al Jazeera is already a project aimed at young audiences. Children's version of Al Jazeera, for children from seven to fifteen years, was launched in autumn 2005.

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