Thursday, January 15, 2009

Israel seized in the closed zone seven journalists.

SyuzhetyVoennaya Israeli operation in Gaza Gaza15.01.2009V caught fire bolnitsaVlasti Israel intend to bring charges against seven journalists detained in a closed military zone in the Gaza Strip, the radio station Arutz Sheva.
Earlier, IDF declared the Gaza Strip as a zone of military operations and restrict the movement of journalists in the area.
Journalists have repeatedly tried to break through the blockade, but often failed. Thus, according to the AFP, 13 January 17 journalists tried in vain to enter the bus in the Gaza Strip from Egypt.
In addition, as a result of hostilities affected some of the media. January 15, as a result of an Israeli missile strike on a tower in Gaza, where the studios of several TV channels, two Palestinian journalists were injured.
Israel launched a military operation against Hamas militants in Gaza on Dec. 27, 2008. As a result, it killed more than a thousand Palestinians. UN Security Council adopted a resolution which, inter alia, demanded the immediate withdrawal of Israeli troops from the sector, but both Israel and Hamas have announced that they do not intend to carry out its provisions.

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