Saturday, January 17, 2009

The government of Bavaria banned the republication of the Nazi newspaper.

On Friday, 16 January, the Ministry of Finance of Bavaria banned the republication of the National Socialist newspaper, which was made in the historic project "Newspapers as witnesses." The main reasons the ban began in the first place, respect for the victims of the Holocaust, and secondly, the reluctance to contribute to the proliferation of national-socialist ideas in the society, the DW-WORLD.
The legal basis for the ban was that after the war, all the property of publishing Eera, including licenses for newspapers NSDAP, transferred to the authorities of the federal lands.
Already issued the first part of the project will be, at the request of Munich, withdrawn from sale.
The editor of the newspapers as the witnesses "Paveronshits Sandra (Sandra Paweronschitz) said that it was ready for such a decision of the authorities. Revision knew about all the legal intricacies involved with the project and that the "deal with Munich would be difficult, especially when it comes to publishing Eera.
The campaign "Newspapers as witnesses" planned reissue some 150 German newspaper released until 1945. Publications, print runs of about 300 thousand copies, must be equipped with modern historians' commentaries. The action was educational in nature, the organizers felt that because of their draft Germans will be able to "get acquainted with the news of the times of their fathers and grandfathers."
The first issue of the project came in light of 8 January, 2009. It was the newspaper Der Angriff from January 30, 1933 with a good article "Hitler - reyhskantsler!", Written by future propaganda minister Joseph Gebbels.

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