Thursday, January 29, 2009

Seimas of Lithuania lifted the ban on shooting of deputies in canteens and toilets.

Board of the Seimas of Lithuania has abolished restrictions on the work of journalists in the premises of the parliament, which were introduced in November 2008. Then the journalists prohibited to use video cameras, cameras and sound recording equipment in the bathrooms, the Seimas, dining and places to smoke, Interfax reports.
First Deputy Chairman of the Seimas, Irena Dyagutene reported that "now once again operating procedures of the journalists, the former prior to making decisions that have led to disputes and disagreements." Dyagutene expressed satisfaction that the conflict has been exhausted.
The purpose of restrictions was announced desire to create more comfortable conditions for the work of parliamentarians, who were afraid of being caught by journalists in the disadvantageous situation. Earlier in the media have got photos of people's elected representatives, caught by surprise, especially over drinks.
In addition, at that time were limited opportunities for ad hoc accreditation, and then Parliament imposed a quota management, according to which one of the media in the parliament could not work more than three people.
Lithuanian Union of Journalists admitted restrictions illegal because they contravened the constitution and put in place not by the laws and decisions of the board Seym. Once the leaders of the parliament ignored the complaints of journalists, their actions were challenged in court, and the majority of the media have begun a boycott of the Diet guide.

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