Friday, January 9, 2009

Larry Flint has requested financial assistance from the Government of the United States.

The creator and chief editor of a pornographic magazine Hustler, Larry Flint, along with the author of erotic show Girls Gone Wild Joe Francis asked the U.S. government financial assistance of $ 5 billion, said on Wednesday Agency France Presse.
According to Flint, and Francis, because of the financial crisis, people have lost interest in their products, and government money will help them "recover sexual appetite of America." "The U.S. Congress seems ready to support the main branch of American industry, and we believe that it deserves the same treatment," - said Francis.
Despite the fact that, according to Francis and Flint, the "13 millionth industry is far from collapse," Francis said, citing its own sources that in 2008 the proceeds of the sale, and rented the DVD-ROM drive has dropped by 22 percent, as people increasingly prefer the internet.
"With all these economic plagues, and the fact that people are losing so much money on sex, almost no one thinks" - lamented Flint. In his view, people are too overwhelmed to be sexually active. " "Across the nation this is a very unhealthy trend. No American cars can survive, but without the sex - no," - said Flint.
It reminds the agency, Joe Francis is currently serving a prison sentence on charges of involvement in the business of prostitution. Larry Flint, in turn, is the fact that the prototype was the hero in the film "The People v. Larry Flint" Milos Forman, ran for governor of California and in 2008 withdrew pornofilm involving actresses, like Sarah Peylin.

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