Friday, April 10, 2009

Participants in the Dutch talk show lived up bin Laden.

The participants and audience talk-show "Devil Advocate", broadcast by Dutch television channel Nederland 2, recognized the number one terrorist Osama bin Laden is innocent of the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 in New York and Washington, reports Reuters.
Improvised jury of five men in front of which was made by a leading program - the famous Dutch lawyer Gerard Spong, concluded that the fault of terrorists has not been proven because of lack of evidence. They also did not recognize bin Laden the leader of the terrorist group al-Qaeda. "
Nevertheless, the show insisted that bin Laden is still a "terrorist, misinterpreted Islam."
The Agency notes that the consequences of such a decision could exacerbate the political disputes which broke out in Holland after the murder of a Muslim in 2004, filmmaker Theo Van Gogh, who criticized Islam in his film.

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